
Living in a country like Australia, it’s often easy to fall into the trap of a first world mindset. We’ve been blessed with so much compared to other people and yet many of us aren’t happy. I’ve found that often the best way to become happier is to spend some time around Easter each year being grateful for what I have rather than what I don’t have.


For instance, the fact that I can turn on a tap and have clean running water puts me ahead of about 50% of the worlds population. When I flush the toilet what’s inside goes away rather than towards me is something I will be eternally grateful to the plumbers of this world.

Being able to go to the supermarket and have a huge selection of produce is nothing short of miraculous. It’s not just, do I want to buy an apple but what type of apple do I want to buy. Having food on the shelves to purchase is an incredible feet of logistics that I am so grateful for.

Having money in my pocket (or card) and being able to afford not just the necessities of life but the niceties place me in the top 5% or so of the world’s population. Being blessed with the gift of being able to “make” money is something I am very grateful for.

Being healthy and living in an environment that is free of virulent diseases is another blessing I am thankful for. I was recently looking at attending a conference in an African city and decided to opt out after I read the list of health warnings that resembled a litany of what you can’t see can kill you.

I am so grateful for all the friends I have around the world due to the domain industry. Many of these people I have known for well over a decade and over the years we’ve swapped photos of our children with each other. I am so thankful for knowing these amazing people.

I am so thankful for my wife, Roselyn, she’s my rock and my best friend. I’d be lost without her and one of the great joys in my heart is that now our children are old enough to look after themselves she’s able to come with me on my travels.

So there’s a lot to be grateful for…..why don’t you spend a few minutes this Easter and send a kind word of thanks to a few friends or family members. I know the world be a much better place if more of us were just grateful for what we have rather than complaining about what we don’t.

Have a great Easter!