Saturday Musings - It's My Birthday!

Tomorrow is my birthday! I find I’m so privileged to lead a life that is exciting, at times challenging but always interesting. As I breathe the fresh air of another year I think that this one’s going to be absolutely awesome. Why is that?

For a start, my wife has given me an absolutely brilliant present….time to finish my scifi book “Battleframe”. Today is the day that I really do hope to finish the final read through and then it’s off to be published. Feel free to visit my author’s website at to register and get the announcement when you can buy it on Amazon. :-)

The domain business is booming! My domain management company, ParkLogic, is experiencing really rapid growth and at long last we are nearly at the end of an 18 month development cycle. I’m so looking forward to seeing the new platform in action.

Those items above are great but do you know what’s even better? My family is all home and the love of my wife and kids is really what spurs me onwards. Tim is saving up to go travel through Europe, Sarah is studying to become a film/tv makeup artist and Elise is nearing the end of high school (Dad’s helping her with maths).

I must mention that my wife, Roselyn is growing her own business ( and is having a great time decorating cakes and cookies. Just looking at her happily making her amazing creations puts a smile on my face and sometimes incredible flavours in my mouth!

So tomorrow is my birthday and we’re going to have a great family breakfast together. This will be followed by a few friends around to share some wine, cheese and fruit while we enjoy perfect weather in the backyard.

I have incredible friends all over the world from the domain industry that I would love to have around to my house and celebrate my birthday. You are really special people that I’ve known for many, many years. Let me say that you will be there tomorrow in my heart. Thank-you one and all for being a part of the last 12 months of my life.


Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face.