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Climbing the Ladder

Climbing the Ladder

Over the years (gee I’m sounding old!) I’ve spoken to many business people that have climbed to the top of the ladder of success. Not surprisingly, when you talk to them they generally fall into two groups, those that are happy and those that aren’t.

The ones that are happy seemed to have attained a balance in their lives of having time for work and time for family and friends. They still have a spring in their step and a twinkle in their eye, they’re fulfilled in their lives.

The unhappy ones may have lots of money in the bank and worldly possessions but when they look around they no longer have a great relationship with their children and true friends are not to be found. Many of them try to buy a relationship with their kids by giving them incredible gifts when all their children want is some of their time and love. When these people finally reached the top of their ladder they found that it’s leaning against the wrong wall.

Getting a life balance is so important if you actually want to be happy and fulfilled in your own life. I’ve been married for nearly 27 years and have been incredibly blessed to have an amazing wife and three wonderful children that can put up with me. I have definitely not been perfect but I’ve continually tried to make decisions that are positive for my family in everything that I do.

Some of the things that I’ve found have been useful for me is that I work really hard during the week and on the weekend it’s rare that I do anything. I have a complete break. Your body and mind need a rest, they need to recuperate and recharge but more than that your family needs you.

I try and pay attention to the little things. Who likes what special treat? We create family times with everyone… one is allowed to not attend. Dad has a special meal that he makes that’s fun! Even though they are in their later teens and early twenties both Roselyn and I insist on getting a kiss or a hug good night each and every night. It’s a ritual, but it cements the relationship with our kids every day and reminds them that we love them.

I love the ladder of success but more than that I love being on the right ladder. Think about what you can do for a loved one today……and then…….just do it!

Donna Takes the Plunge!
The LinkedIn of the Domain Industry


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