Industry Leaders Survey - Have Your Voice

The 2017 Industry Leaders survey responses are continuing to come in and the top three contenders so far are Frank Schilling, Rick Schwartz and Jothan Frakes. If you haven't filled in the survey then make sure you share your opinion.

Click Here to do the Industry Leaders Survey

I've had a number of questions raised since I launched the first industry leaders survey a few days ago and I thought that it would be worthwhile answering the questions.

How long will it take to fill in the survey?
There are only 10 questions with a slider from zero to ten next to each so it should only take a few minutes.

What if I don't know how to answer some questions?
The questions look at how YOU feel about the person that you are nominating. This means there are no wrong answers. Also, if you don't know how to answer some questions then just move the slider to zero.

Since the survey is looking at your experience with the person then this would be a reasonable response if you have not had any personal business experience with the nominee but have viewed there community activity.

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