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Personal Musings - Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

Over the years I’ve come across two groups of people. Those that are thankful and appreciative of others and those that aren’t. Having an attitude of gratitude is one of the keys to business as well as life.

There is nothing more sickening then a person that believes the world revolves around them, their needs and their desires. This self-centred approach to life is anything but gracious and loving. They are the true consumers of society. Rather than bringing joy, like a blackhole, they consume the life out of those around them. We all know people like this and I can only pity them as they search in vain for fulfillment in their life.

I was talking to a person the other day and they were moaning and groaning about how they hated their job. To cut a long story short, I politely listened and then said, “Is this the same job that puts food on your table?” They went quiet and then said, “I suppose so.” I then suggested that they be grateful for their job as there are many people that don’t have one.

I saw the same person the next week and they had a smile on their face. I asked them what had changed and they said, “Their attitude.” After talking to each other the previous week they decided to be positive about their job and bring a good attitude to work. Amazingly, the job magically improved and they had a great time each day. They learned to be thankful for what they have.

Not everyone is suited for every job but it’s incredible how a task can become more enjoyable if you stop grumbling and starting thanking those around you for the opportunity. If you’re in a job that you really don’t like then move on or take another approach.

It really does my head in when I hear people tell me that they love their job but can’t stand their boss. They then plan on quitting their job and moving on. Why not stay in your job and pass your boss’s resumé onto a headhunter. With any luck your boss will get a great job and you’ll continue to love your work…’s win/win for everyone. Just be creative about thinking how you can help your boss (and you) out.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been discussing how I’ve been marketing my book with no money. In my case, I’m finding out how I can help other authors. I’m trying to contribute to the idenpendent author community and assist those around me in promoting their books. I’m a firm believer in, “What goes around, comes around.”

Taking an attitude like this into a community means that I’m not trying to push my product but I am trying to promote theirs. What’s amazing is that many people respond much better to this approach and help you out as well.

I love the domain industry and each and every day I’m grateful to be a part of it. Domainers are incredible people, they saw an opportunity, seized it with both hands and on the whole do what they can to help those around them. They are very special people and many of them do incredible work for no pay to help those that can't help themselves.

When I recently released my debut scifi book, Battleframe, I let the domain community know about it and they supported me in droves. I received so many well wishes from my friends in the industry (and outside the industry) that it was almost impossible to respond to them all. It was a truly humbling experience and I want to once again say thank you to you for your support.

When my wife and I sit at the breakfast table we try and say something that we’re grateful for. Yes, I know that it’s really corny but you’d be amazed at how life suddenly becomes a little bit better for forcing yourself to be grateful for something, anything! It could be the weather, our kids, the fact that our parents are still alive after both our fathers had heart bypass operations. There’s just so much to be grateful for…..I wonder what life would be like if you tried doing this.

All the best, Michael.



Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face. He also recently published his first scifi book Battleframe.

  6256 Hits
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Guest — FreeHans123
Great post, Michael Richard St Cyr
31 March 2015
Thanks for that Richard.
31 March 2015
Guest — Daniel
I printed this article and will be looking at it daily. We need to always look for the good!
03 April 2015
6256 Hits

Marketing My Book With No Money – Part 3

Since my last post a few days ago I’ve been trying a lot of different ways to market my book, Battleframe. Please treat this as a case study rather than me “pushing” my product as many of the principles I’m tackling are very appropriate for any business.

I’ve done a lot of things over the past week. For a start I’ve joined a number of forums and taken part in the many conversations. If you plan on doing this then please ensure that you obey the moderators rules about self-promotion as they can be a little testy.

For instance, in one forum I haven’t promoted my book, domain name or anything about me at all. They have a rule that you need to get to 100 posts before releasing anything about yourself. In some ways this makes sense as by a 100 posts you should be pretty well committed to the community by then.

After a bit of googling around I’ve setup profiles on a number of commercial websites such as This allows me to interact with new readers and at least be available.

There have been a couple of developmental tasks that I’ve been working on. The first is setting up a link area to thank domainers, friends and others for linking from their websites to You can see this area under the community menu on my site.

If you have linked to my website either by using one of the banners (which are pretty cool!) or with a text link then please let me know so that I can return the favour. I’m a firm believer that what goes around comes around….so let us help each other.

The next project I’ve been working on was to develop a system for tracking the effectiveness of any future marketing initiatives. So I dusted off my PHP skills and got programming a redirect and tracking system so that I can know how often an advertisement has been displayed, how often it’s been clicked and ultimately…..with a bit more work, whether a sale as resulted.

After a few hours work I can now redirect traffic to anywhere, log everything, work out the average budget for a website, campaign and redirect. From here I can work out my approximate cost per thousand visitors to help sort the wheat from the chaff. I think that I have about another 4 hours or so left to work on the system before I can use it in anger.

Another change that I made was to move onto the Kindle Select Program. This means that I have to be 100% with Amazon for at least 3 months. This was fine with me as I had a lot of other things on my plate. A couple of things that this does is expose me to a raft of new marketing initiatives via Amazon and also to the Kindle subscriber system that allows people to get books for free.

I’ve also made the first overtures towards a games company. The goal here is to add value to the game via my book while generating a few dollars for both parties. It will be interesting to see if they take up the offer….!

I big piece of work that I would like to get completed tomorrow is the 2 minute promotional video. I have the concepts worked out but I now just need to execute them so that there is something that people can look at that will get them inspired to fork out a few dollars and buy the book.

So far, I’ve had no day with no sales. This either means that I’m lucky or something is going right…..fingers crossed that it's the latter. :-)

Battleframe on Kindle


Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face. He also recently published his first scifi book Battleframe.

  5939 Hits
5939 Hits

Marketing My Book With No Money – Part 2

Since I wrote the last article I’ve sold between one to ten copies of my book Battleframe per day. Not bad when you consider that all my marketing efforts have cost exactly zero dollars. So what’s the next steps?

I’m doing a number of things, all of which are important and all are crammed into the time I have available while I keep on working in my company ParkLogic.

Grow the Content

Marketing is useless unless you are also growing the content on your website. You’ll find that is constantly changing and being tweaked with upgraded graphics, new articles, forum posts and anything that would be of interest to a potential reader. I’m also encouraging people to sign-up to the website by providing free maps of key locations from the book, news updates and access to the forum area.

I’m the first person to say that I’m not an SEO expert but there is one thing I know and that’s Google loves regularly updated content. In fact, I’m a bit of a cynic when it comes to SEO….just give Google what it wants and be done with it!

Continue reading
  5901 Hits
5901 Hits

Video of Seeing Battleframe for the First Time

My wife Roselyn, videoed me opening my box of books and seeing Battleframe for the very first time. If you every want to see raw emotional joy then check out the video. I hope that it puts a smile on your'll see that it did for me.

If you want to pick up your copy in either ebook or paperback formats then go to my authors page at

  5942 Hits
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Guest —
Gilmour, I'm personally very proud of you... Great job & good luck!
22 March 2015
Thanks for that!
23 March 2015
Guest —
23 March 2015
5942 Hits

My Book, Battleframe, Arrives!

For the past few days I’ve been watching my UPS package traverse the world with the first copies of my book, Battleframe. As I tracked the package I’d say to my wife Roselyn, “It’s in Honolulu!” This was then followed up by, “It’s now in Australia!” and then finally, there was a knock at the door…..

With our son Timothy taking photos and Roselyn on a video camera I slowly opened the box with the order of five books. Seriously, my heart was racing and I felt like I could barely hold the knife to cut the tape!

Seeing the first copy through the packaging on top was nothing short of one of the best moments in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love ebooks but seeing a physical copy of something that you’ve worked on for so long was awesome! I think that the above photo captured the moment for me when I held Battleframe in my hands for the very first time. I was deliriously happy!

After enjoying the moment with my family I called my Mum and Dad who have both been such a great support in the writing of the book. They were around in about 10 minutes! I kept book number one but I presented my father with his own copy of Battleframe. The first thing that he asked was how far I was through book number two……Dads! LOL!

I couldn’t resist screen capturing the UPS delivery docket (see below).

Battleframe Docket

If you’ve ever wanted to write a book, I hope that the happiness in my photo inspires you. It’s a magical experience seeing your writing in print and one that you’ll never forget.

I also want to take this time to thank all those people that have purchased their own copies of Battleframe. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Don’t forget that after registering at you can get access to maps of key locations, discussion forums and more content over the weeks ahead.

I can’t resist…..if you want to buy your own copy of Battleframe then it’s available on Amazon by clicking here or the image below.

Battleframe on Kindle


Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face.

  6507 Hits
Recent Comments
Congrats! I shared this on my Facebook page. Your reaction is priceless and wonderful
20 March 2015
Hi Jen, thank you for your wonderful comment. As I said in my post, it was a really special moment.....loving the feeling!
20 March 2015
Guest — JP
You need to update your bio at the footer of every post which says "Michael Gilmour has been in business 32 years.." To include yo... Read More
21 March 2015
6507 Hits