Old Article Archive
Optimisation Article Count: 13
Domain optimisation has now become a hugely valued specialised skill in its own right. No longer can domain owners be content to merely bank cheques they need to understand what makes a domain tick and how to get the most money out of the traffic.
Standards Article Count: 6
It's via measurement standards and transparency that the value of domains will increase to the levels that domain owners dream about. This is the area with an in depth analysis of the potential impact of standards.
Surveys Article Count: 8
Over the last severval years whizzbangsblog has conducted a number of surveys to better understand their preceptions of the domain service companies provided by registrars and parking companies.
Analytics Article Count: 6
Domain analytics is the category where an analysis of various domain traffic metrics is conducted with the goal of understanding and producing greater revenues.
Presentations Article Count: 13
Presentations made at domain name conferences and events such as TRAFFIC, domainFest etc.
Running a Domain Business Article Count: 3
What does it actually take to run a domain portfolio from a business perspective. What are the legal and accounting ramifications of becoming an international business operator? This is where you can find out about it all.
Saturday Musings Article Count: 15
My thoughts on where the domain industry is headed and the opportunities and threats ahead as I sit back in my study and contemplate on a Saturday morning.
Domain Valuations and Sales Article Count: 12
Valuing domains is often more of an art then a science but then again what can be done to bring more of the science of domain valuation to the forefront?
Parking Companies Article Count: 20
Love them or hate them parking companies are a valuable part of domain revenue generation for many domain owners. This category contains a lot of the inside information that is the result of a lot of analysis on the different companies.Parking Companies
Developing Domains Article Count: 18
Over the last several years developing domains has been a contentious issue. For example, are you developing a domain or building a business? These articles discuss many of the pitfalls and experiences of developing a domain name into a business and enhancing its capital value.Developing Domains
Personal Comment Article Count: 14
This is the category that contains personal comment on issues that are much broader than domains. Whether its a social comment, a plea for help for victims of a catastrophe or some other issue that grabs my attention.
Videos Article Count: 2
Videos sharing what I've learned over the years in domaining.
Domain Industry Article Count: 96
We all work and earn a living from an incredible global industry but do each of us really understand what's going on? Here are articles that specifically relate to the domain industry.
Management Article Count: 5
Thoughts on how to best manage your domain portfolio as an investor.