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The Holistic Entrepreneur on Startup.Club

The Holistic Entrepreneur on

I’m really excited to announce that I have been asked to host a regular weekly event in ClubHouse as a part of The event is called “The Holistic Entrepreneur” and will be exploring both the business and life aspects of starting your own business.

It’s great to be sharing the hosting of the sessions with the dotClub team of Colin Campbell, Jeffrey Sass and Michele Van Tilbourg. This week we will be also joined by Nivu Hussain and Rachael Lasbrook. The level of experience that each of these people bring to “The Holistic Entrepreneur” is phenomenal and it’s an honor to be sharing the stage with them.

There are many resources available for entrepreneurs, but there are not many that explore how to manage all the other aspects of your life. For example, how can you be so focused on your business vision while maintaining a relationship with your partner and children? How can you bring balance to your life so that you don’t burn out? Why staying healthy is so important.

Topic this week: “Your Business Will Go as Far as You!”
Date: 5pm EST, Thursdays
At any time you can go to to see the next event listed.

  6522 Hits
6522 Hits

I want to hear from you.

I want to hear from readers.

I’ve been blogging/vlogging for over a decade on everything from domains through to my own personal life journey. Sharing my knowledge and experience with others is one of the many pleasures in my life. What’s even more exciting is when I hear from a reader or viewer….

I would like to invite you to provide me some feedback on what you would like to hear me share about. Is it different aspects of the domain industry? I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 40 years, would you like to hear me share on that topic? How about managing the balance between business and life?

So don’t be a lurker, comment, skype, email, IM or send a carrier pigeon to my house. Send me a message about what you think would be a great topic to hear about.

Have a great Easter!

  7659 Hits
Recent Comments
Guest — Alan
Tips on how to find good domains for parking, what to look for, and how to optimize your parked domains. Also, do a case study on ... Read More
03 April 2021
This is a really good idea. In terms of optimization, you may want to check out as it has a HEAP of information on this.... Read More
03 April 2021
Even though I am not really at your Level on domains and how to use them, I like reading your blogs and you know I will poke my n... Read More
26 December 2021
7659 Hits

Conversations with Christina Beavis

Conversations with Christina Beavis

Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with some great individuals. In this “Conversations” segment I have the absolute privilege of chatting with Christina Beavis, the founder of

Many people in the Internet domain industry will be familiar with Christina as one of the key players of the registrar Momentous, which includes, Internet.CA, and of course, .sucks. She’s been a regular domain conference attendee plus heavily involved in ICANN and all things that impact registrars and registries.

I think you are going to really enjoy hearing from Christina about her new passion as she embarks on an exciting journey helping businesses become more successful.

  5890 Hits
5890 Hits

Domain Industry Update - 25 Mar 2021

Numbers are all over the place.

The week saw some pretty bumpy numbers with both Google and Direct advertising networks being buffeted up and down. It will be interesting to see if this type of behaviour is going to continue in the coming weeks.

I had a great time sharing and listening to last week’s in ClubHouse. For those of you that were unaware, I’m now running a weekly 1-hour session on “Entrepreneurship and Life”. As an interim measure you can go to to sign-up to the club or and go to this week’s session details.

This week is title “The Entrepreneur’s Hope” and in this we will be looking at what drives entrepreneurs to push through adversity, work crazy hours and give so much for their dream.

Date: Every Sunday 7PM EST, 7PM PST – information on “Entrepreneurship and Life” – This week’s topic

See you there!

  6662 Hits
6662 Hits

Industry Update - 19 Mar 2021

Great numbers for a great week!

This past week I decided to acquire a couple of great domains…..and they are both new gTLDs. Yes, you read the correctly, I’ve has finally gone rogue and bought a couple of awesome premium domains. So what are they?

Both of the domains I purchased are .CLUBs. I’ve actually always been a fan of .CLUB and over the years I’ve secured a few great ones. This time I grabbed and I plan on using both of these domains for myself. The first one, MG is my initials (Michael Gilmour) and the second is for a ClubHouse I’ve setup which is all about MAXimising your business and life.

I’ve now setup a clubroom and each week I will be hosting an event that will discuss topics such as, “Life Principles”, “How to hire good people”, “Balancing Business and Life” etc.

Topic this week: “Dealing with Disasters”
Time: 4pm USA Eastern
Clubhouse: (search for the club in ClubHouse)
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this week’s stats!

  5580 Hits
5580 Hits