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The Joys of Jetlag....

The Joys of Jetlag....

I often share with people that one of the painful things about Melbourne, Australia is that it’s so far away from everywhere else in the world. I then follow up with, “One of the great things is that it’s so far from everywhere else in the world.”

Obviously, this is all tongue in cheek but I must admit that I'm completely over experiencing multiple bouts of jetlag. A few weeks ago I was on a 12 day trip that circumnavigated the world. It involved 7 flights and a total of 60 hours actually in the air.

I’m certain that when I returned to Australia my blood had to flow through my veins in the opposite direction because I kept on getting dizzy. Doing a rapid East to West trip like that really messed up my body clock. Besides that, upon returning the jetlag woke me up at around 4am for several days….which meant I caught up on a lot of TV.

It was great being back home for a couple of weeks……but now I find myself on the other side of the world in Europe about to attend TNW (The Next Web) and Domaining Europe. So once again jetlag has been waking me up at 4am…..except I’m in Europe rather than Australia. Doh!!!

So, how long am I here for? About enough time to acclimatise to the time zone before I flip once again to the other side of the planet. I sometimes wonder what time zone I’m actually in until my body reminds me that it really doesn’t make a difference as it just wants to sleep now.

So there I was in a very important meeting…..desperately trying to stay awake (thank goodness for coffee). We then went out to dinner and not surprising the topic of domains was brought up…..and this is my downfall. Despite the jetlag, when the topic of domains is brought up I suddenly feel so energised that I felt like I could go all night.

I find that domains are amazing things that are incredibly flexible with all of the business ideas you can drive off them. And this is what really causes me to travel so much and put up with all of the jetlag. Domains are simply amazing.

Hopefully I’ll catch-up with a few of you at TNW or Domaining Europe over the next few days. If I'm falling asleep then just give me a prod....or talk about domains


Domaining Europe Presentation
For Heaven's Sake! Be Professional!


Guest - Richard St Cyr on 23 June 2016
Domains, Ha Ha

Met you in Vegas, don't know if I could keep up with you ! Good Luck
Richard St Cyr

Met you in Vegas, don't know if I could keep up with you ! Good Luck Richard St Cyr
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