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Saturday Musings – What I’ve Learned from Netflix’s “Girl Boss”


OK, I admit it that I’m guilty. Yes, I’m guilty of watching a Netflix series that would be typically more targeted at my daughters rather than their fifty something father. The show is “Girl Boss” and if you ask me it’s a great study (grey hair words) of an Internet powered generation, a bootstrapped startup and mushy girly stuff.

The main character is a twenty something girl that is about to be evicted from her San Francisco apartment (I use that term loosely) and dumpster dives for food because she has no money and no idea about life. After visiting an “op-shop” she finds a leather jacket and pays $9 for it and this is where she gets an epiphany (another old timer word).

She takes her jacket, puts it up on Ebay and sells it for more than $600. So now she knows what she has to do…..get more clothes to sell online. The 25-minute episodes unfold with her discovering a lot of things about business amidst the turmoil of her relationships with the other characters. She’s a pretty volatile character with a wicked temper but now focuses her energy on building her online business.

So why do I like the show? It reminds me of my own experiences in the domain industry. Building my own portfolio, having people around me tell me I’m nuts and then proving them wrong. It was an incredible journey and one that I will never forget.

I look at my daughter Sarah and she’s almost mimicking the main character in the show’s storyline. She’s now built up her Instagram following to nearly 13,000 and it continues to increase. She has a website and is in the process of turning her mind to how she can monetise all the traffic she has while maintaining her integrity with readers.

Shows like “Girl Boss” also further energize me to look at what I’m doing with my various businesses and how they can be improved. Last night, I was having a ball coding at 3am… was awesome and voila! I now have a completely new way to monetise traffic. After 35 plus years in business the whole start-up mentality has never left me and I continue to get excited by what is possible.

One of the great things about the domain industry is that in many respects we are all rabid entrepreneurs. We buy domains, hoping to generate money from a sale, their traffic or even build a business on them. You really can’t get much more entrepreneurial than that.

This week I developed a survey about who we think are the most successful industry leaders this past year. You can do the survey by clicking here…..also, don’t be too worried, all of the information is completely anonymized in the results, so no one will know how you voted.

I would encourage you to do the survey as some of the questions may help you think further about your own business. More than that, I hope they get you as excited about our amazing industry as I am after watching another episode of “Girl Boss”.

Have a great weekend!


Industry Leaders Survey - Have Your Voice
2017 Industry Leaders Survey


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