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Flying Across the Pond.....Again

Flying Across the Pond.....Again

Once again I find myself sitting in the Melbourne airport Qantas club. After a restless night’s sleep that was punctuated by dreams of perpetually trying to catch my flight, I finally groaned awake at about 5:54am.

When I say “groan” I really do mean the word in all its splendid definitions. I really did groan. Some people that are religiously minded say each morning, “Good morning Lord!” When my eyelids finally dragged themselves open I was more of a “Good Lord, its morning.”

So after packing the last of my things I then checked that I hadn’t unpacked anything by mistake. I’m always amazed at the number of times that I find my toothbrush wrested right next to my wife’s when it should be tucked away in my bag. Do you do this sort of thing as well?

In the end I find that I just give up and stop checking everything other than my credit card, passport and phone. If I have those then I’m all set.

Roselyn (my wife) drove me the forty minutes to the airport and for this I’m eternally grateful. Nothing against cabs but when you jump in one and ask the driver to take you to the airport and they respond with “Where’s that?” you know you’ve got a problem. Thankfully, Roselyn has done this journey many times and it wasn’t long before we’d said our good-byes and I find myself in the Qantas club.

The reason for putting my body through a 15 hour contortionist’s holiday (ie. QF 93 Plane flight) is that I’m heading off to ICANN in Los Angeles. My schedule is packed with meetings and it’s going to be great catching up with a whole lot of friends and making some new ones in the process.

In particular, after my series on a domain association I’m really looking forward to catching up with a director of the ICA and the CEO of It will be interesting to see if there is some way that we can all work towards bettering the domain industry.

I should add that the one good thing about the plane flight is that I will have a lot of time to work on my science fiction book….which is great! Sadly, I won’t have Internet connectivity over the middle of the Pacific ocean.

Back to business. If you’re at ICANN then please drop me a line here as I will be checking my blog regularly. In the meantime, I think that my flight was just called. Cheers!

ICANN Los Angeles Wrap Up
What was the ICA thinking?


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