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On Our Way to Europe!


I often find myself in the Qantas club at Melbourne airport and is my custom I like to write a few thoughts down. For the past 11 years I’ve largely been traveling for business but this time’s it’s different…..Roselyn is with me.

After 5 years of planning, delays due to too much on and a myriad of other reasons we’re finally leaving on a 5-week vacation through Europe. It’s like a dream come true.

Rather than be morose that I’m leaving home again to travel by myself to the other side of the world this time I’m full of energy thinking about the adventure we’re about to share together. We figured that after 30 years of marriage it was about time we started doing some more world exploration together.

With all these pleasant thoughts running through my head I then remembered the fact that we’re about to embark on a 25-hour journey in a flying tin can. When you think about it, planes have a lot in common to an aluminium drinking vessel.

The doors pop open with a pressure equalising hiss, so does a can when you open it. The sides are made of the same metal as a can of Coke and the atmosphere is about as about as caustic to life. That being said, I’m strangely looking forward to this journey as it will involve watching movies rather than building powerpoint presentations.

Our first stop is London where will check out a few sites (Temple Court, the Globe Theatre, No. 10 etc.) and see a few shows during the evening. A leisurely dinner at one of Gordon Ramsey’s restaurants at the Savoy will cap of one evening before we head to Paris courtesy of the train scooting under the English Channel.

I figure that as long as I keep these pleasant thoughts in my mind the plane flight will hopefully be bearable. I just have to don my noise cancelling headphones, close the eyes, drift off to sleep and by the time I wake up I’ll be 20% of the way there. Oh crap! How depressing is that!

One of the problems with living in Australia is that it’s a LONG way from everyone…….conversely, one of the nice things about living in Australia is it’s a LONG way from everyone. So I should just stop complaining, ask for another drink and watch another movie.

More when we land in the UK.

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