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3 minutes reading time (537 words)

How to Exchange Stress for Peace


We live in a hyperpaced fast world and surrounded by so many distractions that no wonder many of us feel under increasing levels of stress. So how can you reduce your levels of stress and return to that subline state of enjoying life?

The age of the smartphone compounded the numbers of distractions coming through to us as Instagram, Facebook, emails, texts, skype etc. poured in and demanded our attention…..not to mention the alerts from the various newsfeeds and games we may be playing. Our smart devices are wonderful servants but really bad masters.

I was recently having a meeting with a person who was constantly looking at their phone (I really do mean constantly). Every beep, blip or brrrrring seemed to instantly demand their attention so much that I wondered why I was there.

In one of their “moments” of screen time I pulled my own phone out and texted them a message. It said, “Let me know when you’re available for the meeting.” Sure enough, their phone beeped with my message and as was their habit they looked at it.

They were really embarrassed by my text but after putting their phone away we had an interesting discussion about how the phone has increased their levels of stress. I suggested they could make the decision to control their phone rather than the other way around.

There’s an awesome feature that comes with every phone that is often underrated….it’s the “off” switch. Yes, that button or swipe is what separates us from an often ignored concept…..peacefulness.

Have you ever wondered why you feel so much better on vacation when you just “get away from it all”? It’s that break from always having to be “on” that helps us recharge and reconnect with ourselves.

When was the last time you turned your smartphone off (and not just for a reboot)? It’s during such times when we have the opportunity to give one hundred percent of our attention to our partner, children and friends. It’s when they know that they are the most important person in your world.

It's during these times that relationships are strengthened and real conversations happen. This is very different from having a conversation, glancing at your phone and saying "hang on honey" I've just got to answer this. This tells your oved one that  they are unimportant to you.

Being at peace is also a time when we can reflect about life. Are you climbing the ladder of success and have a sneaky suspicion that it’s leaning against the wrong wall?

For a number of years I was. The more successful I became the more I was pulled away from my family. It was during one of these times of peace that I changed direction and made a decision for the ones I loved rather than the thrill of my career. The result is I have a great relationship with my family and I discovered a new vocation that is even better than the last (thank you domaining!).

During this weekend I challenge you to turn off your phone and get in touch with what is really important. Take some time out and give someone your undivided attention.

Have a great weekend!

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Wolftalker on 08 July 2018
Sending them a text during meeting...


Rawgi on 12 July 2018

These days phones are used for babysitters , ( do you really know what your kids are doing on the phone?) and trending, and much other keeping up with the latest type stuff. They were originally for communication, but as you said, they are managing us, controlling many lives. At least they will if you let them. I would not mind at all if they all quit working and people go back to talking for real, not hiding behind their phones.

These days phones are used for babysitters , ( do you really know what your kids are doing on the phone?) and trending, and much other keeping up with the latest type stuff. They were originally for communication, but as you said, they are managing us, controlling many lives. At least they will if you let them. I would not mind at all if they all quit working and people go back to talking for real, not hiding behind their phones.
Rawgi on 13 July 2018

I can remember a friend that had no phone at all. Her father eventually put a pay phone in the house, ( remember pay phones? ), and they had to actually use their allowance to make calls with a time limit set to be fair for the whole family. We actually have a rotary dial phone that works, we don't use it , but They were the only thing for a long time. I brought it out to use in a game, Obduction, that required the number sequence to solve a puzzle. Really old school and dating myself.

I can remember a friend that had no phone at all. Her father eventually put a pay phone in the house, ( remember pay phones? ), and they had to actually use their allowance to make calls with a time limit set to be fair for the whole family. We actually have a rotary dial phone that works, we don't use it , but They were the only thing for a long time. I brought it out to use in a game, Obduction, that required the number sequence to solve a puzzle. Really old school and dating myself.
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