NamesCon - Be Inspired!

After heading across the USA and a series of whirlwind stops in Europe I am now finally heading to Austin for NamesCon. I'm currently writing this blog from Fort Lauderdale in Florida and I must admit that I can't wait until the 3 hour flight is overr and I get a chance to meet all of my friends (and new friends) when I arrive. It's been two and half years since the last physical domain event and to share a drink at the bar with a group fo domain investors is going to be a real pleasure.

I'm bringing my wife, Roselyn, with me this time and she would also love to say "hi" to everyone so make sure you're not a stranger. Three members of the ParkLogic team will also be joining us; Craig Beveridge (COO), Matt Herbert (Sales Manager) and Andrew Miles (Accounts Manager). You won't be abile to miss any of us as we will be the group walking around with polo shirts and the words "Be Inspired" on the back.

Make sure you drop into our booth and say "hi" to the team as we have some Australian gifts and chocholate that you're just going to love. As well as a booth I will be presenting the first keynote on the Break-Out stage at 11:05am on the first day of the conference on the topic of "Be Inspired About the Future". On the second day, we are running three fantastic workshops on monetization for Elite investors. These workshops will be full of statistics, insights and are suitable for those investors that earn a considerable amount of their income from domain traffic monetization....they are not to be missed.

If you see me wandering around the conference then make sure you say "hi". In the meantime, I've got to go and catch a plane.

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Leaving on a Jet Plane

Back onboard is a good feeling!

It’s been quite a while since I last blogged and after a hiatus of two and half years I’m heading back into the sky and around the world….well, sort of anyway. I should say that I’ve been going a little stir crazy in the island paradise that is Australia and it’s with welcome relief that I’m writing this blog.

Given wars and the current state of chaos in the travel industry I’m traveling to Europe via the USA. Yes, you heard that right….Melbourne to Sydney to San Francisco to London. After a brief jaunt around Europe, I’ll then be heading back to the USA and Austin, Texas for NamesCon. To say that I’m about to clock up a few frequent miles is an understatement to say the least.

There are a number of things that are different about this trip compared to every one that I’ve made to date. For a start, my wife Roselyn and the ParkLogic COO will be with me for the entire journey, and we will be catching up with more of the ParkLogic team at NamesCon.

The biggest difference for me is that after NamesCon I’ll be staying in the USA. Yes, you read that right. I’ll be based out of Fort Lauderdale in Florida and flying around the USA on business trips for the following 1-2 months. I can categorically say that being in the US time zone will be a wonderful experience compared to my regular pre-Australian sunrise calls.

I would like to take a brief minute to introduce to you the ParkLogic account and sales managers. Andrew Miles is the account manager and Matt Herbert the sales manager. Both of them will be at NamesCon and I’m sure would love to have a chat to see if we can help you with your domains. Don't forget to checkout the ParkLogic booth and have a chat with both Matt and Andrew.

I have the privilege of delivering the first keynote on the break-out state and three masterclasses in domain monetization. Here is the schedule:

31st Aug, 11am  Kenote on the future of the domain industry|
1st Sept, 10am  State of monetization masterclass
1st Sept, 11am Monetization masterclass
1st Sept, 12pm  The future of monetization

Each of the sesions will be jammed packed with great information and as many insights that I can deliver in the time alotted.

I’d better get going now that my flight has just been called. I’ll see you on the flipside….since Australia is actually up over and not downunder. 😉

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Should you tell the truth?

Should entrepreneurs always tell the truth?

In this podcast I explore what it means for entrepreneurs to always tell the truth and more importantly to be a seeker of the truth. The podcast is conducted live on ClubHouse at 5pm Easter time every Thursday.

Continue reading
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Conversations - Howard and Barbara Neu

What a great couple that has meant so much to the domain industry.

In this “Conversations” video I reminisce with Howard and Barbara Neu about the early days of the domain industry, TRAFFIC conferences and what they are doing now. It was a real journey down memory lane for the three of us as we recall some of the highlights of the various events that transpired more than a decade ago.

Howard and Barbara are widely regarded as the heart and soul of the domain industry and together with their renown business partner, Rick Schwartz, they brought domain investing into the mainstream. It’s through efforts by great people like them that domain investing is what it is today.

I hope you enjoy the conversations video and don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe to my Youtube channel.


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Saturday Musings - Life Principles, truth

Life principle 1, the truth

Being a seeker of the truth is one of the most transformative attitudes that a person can have in their life. Many years ago, I determined that being truthful would be one of the foundations for my own life.

The result of this journey has been a great relationship with my wife, kids and friends all over the world. I have been blessed beyond measure and I wonder what people that I will develop strong bonds with into the future.

I find that too many people are very loose with the truth and then wonder why their lives end up in a mess. In this “Life Principles” video I encourage others to join me in also becoming seekers of the truth. It’s a life principle that has stood the test of time and has brough much joy to those that follow it.

Have a great weekend.

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