Blogs about the domain industry and the various players and companies within it.

Domain Investors and the Coronavirus

How is the Corona virus going to impact your business?

Every time I turn on the television or check online news feeds, I get a sense the world is gripped in a palatable fear of the Corona virus pandemic. The virus is almost the ultimate incarnation of fear. It’s something that you can’t see and yet has clearly devastated families and loved ones around the world.

An irrationality seems to have gripped many people as they clean out the supermarket shelves of toilet paper, tissues, face masks and tinned staple food. The fact that the Coronavirus does not cause a person to have diarrhea has clearly been ignored.

Recently, the terror seems to be flowing through corporates as they are now asking their staff to work from home and have enforced strict hygiene guidelines for those that journey to work. This seemingly continuous diet of fear has spread like a contagion into the financial markets as they collapse around the world.

How is all this carnage going to impact the domain industry or is it business as usual?

I remember in the midst of the Global Financial Crisis reading a blog article by a notable domain investor declared that it was great to be in an industry that was immune to the world’s financial woes. I must admit that at the time I scratched my head and wrote my own article stating that if we think we are immune to a global shock then we are kidding ourselves. Shortly afterwards, the PPC rates tanked and amounts paid for domains dropped through the floor.

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  4619 Hits
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Guest — Snoopy
"An irrationality seems to have gripped many people as they clean out the supermarket shelves of toilet paper, tissues, face masks... Read More
14 March 2020
If everyone didn't panic then all would be's the classic case of FOMO. My point on toilet paper is because it has nothi... Read More
14 March 2020
Guest — Snoopy
If people weren't panicking over this we'd all be screwed! People typically do panic when faced with a crisis which results in fas... Read More
14 March 2020
4619 Hits

NamesCon 2020 - The Future of Domaining

The future is bright for the domain industry.

This is the final video in the three part series that comprised my keynote address at NamesCon 2020 in Austin, Texas. The first two parts can be viewed by clicking on the below links:

Domain Sales

Domain Traffic Monetization

In this video I share some of my thoughts on where the future of the domain industry is headed in the three areas of domain sales, traffic monetization and development. One of the great things about domains is they are so incredibly flexible in their capacity to be at the center of real economic value.

The final message of the video can be summed up by saying, "Through innovation the future is bright and it's only a matter of dreaming big enough that will bring real growth to the industry."

I hope you have enjoyed this series of videos. I would love to receive your comments and thoughts as it's these that inspire me to keep on writing my own thoughts down about our great industry.

  3760 Hits
3760 Hits

NamesCon 2020 - Traffic Monetisation

The history and benefits of domain traffic monetization.

This is the second in a three part video series that covers the keynote address I conducted at NamesCon 2020, Austin Texas. The first video addresses the domain sales business model and can be viewed via the below link:

NamesCon 2020 - Domain sales

This video covers the history of domain monetisation and the major technological innovations that have underpinned the entire business model. It then unpacks case studies to determine how this innovation has impacted the bottom line for professional domain investors.

Of all of the videos that I've made over the years this three part series is the most important. It dives into the heart of what it means to be a domain investor and then extracts key metrics that every domain investor should be aware as they manage their own portfolio.

  2840 Hits
2840 Hits

Video - Impressions of NamesCon

Highlights from NamesCon 2020


In this video, Matt Herbert from ParkLogic and I share our very different perspectives on the recent NamesCon conference held in Austin, TX. While I've had the privilege of being in the domain industry for many years Matt is a newcomer. Together we tease out some interesting insights that will be of benefit to all domain investors.

There is one thing for certain and that is the NamesCon team should be congratulated for hosting an exceptional conference.

  4523 Hits
Recent Comments
Guest — Ravi
Hi Michael.. The video is short and good summery about the NamesCon I think it should have published long ago..maybe just within... Read More
18 February 2020
Hi Ravi, Many thanks for your feedback and following the video. Sorry abouth the Australian accent....LOL!
19 February 2020
4523 Hits

NamesCon Keynote - Domain Sales

Part 1 of the NamesCon presentation

I had the privilege of being asked to deliver the first keynote address at NamesCon 2020 in Austin, Texas. A lot of people have been asking if I would publish a video of the presentation and here it is!

I've broken the presentation into three videos that will be published across the coming week. This is the first and covers the topic of Domain Sales.

The presentation looks at the current state of the domain aftermarket, including an attempt to estimate the size of industry and numbers of domains sold each year. On the back of this indepth analysis I present what domain investors can do with this information to help them in their own businesses.

Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel and also here at Whizzbangsblog. This is the first video where I've used my new video recording studio so please feel free to comment on the quality of both the video and also the content itself.

  3489 Hits
Recent Comments
Guest — Snoopy
Good video, lots of "moments of truth" in it about the industry. I think people are wasting their time with outbound and try to ... Read More
14 February 2020
Thank you for your kind comments. Outbound sales is tough and there are very few good domain brokers that have managed to crack th... Read More
17 February 2020
Guest — Ravi
Hi Michael, Thanks for sharing your presentation data. It is very helpful to understand and correct ourselves when the data is b... Read More
14 February 2020
3489 Hits