Do you have any ideas or thoughts on how to better run a business? This is the place for these blogs.

The Holistic Entrepreneur on Startup.Club

The Holistic Entrepreneur on

I’m really excited to announce that I have been asked to host a regular weekly event in ClubHouse as a part of The event is called “The Holistic Entrepreneur” and will be exploring both the business and life aspects of starting your own business.

It’s great to be sharing the hosting of the sessions with the dotClub team of Colin Campbell, Jeffrey Sass and Michele Van Tilbourg. This week we will be also joined by Nivu Hussain and Rachael Lasbrook. The level of experience that each of these people bring to “The Holistic Entrepreneur” is phenomenal and it’s an honor to be sharing the stage with them.

There are many resources available for entrepreneurs, but there are not many that explore how to manage all the other aspects of your life. For example, how can you be so focused on your business vision while maintaining a relationship with your partner and children? How can you bring balance to your life so that you don’t burn out? Why staying healthy is so important.

Topic this week: “Your Business Will Go as Far as You!”
Date: 5pm EST, Thursdays
At any time you can go to to see the next event listed.

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6523 Hits

Nespresso - Customer Disaster Recovery

Nespress did an awesome job.

You may remember that a couple of weeks ago I had a problem with the Nespresso customer service….well, actually a disaster. What’s happened since then you may ask? A lesson by no one less than the CEO of Nespresso Oceania in turning a bad customer experience into an outstanding one.

I’ve always loved Nespresso coffees. They taste great, are quick to make and bring a subtle sense of joy to each day. This video is about how Nespresso turned a poor customer service experience into an amazing one. I then share a few thoughts on why I love my Nespresso coffees…..why not, they did an incredible job.

For those of you that are wondering, no, I did not get paid to do this video, write this blog and send it out to the thousands of readers and followers. I just like sharing about my passion for Nespresso coffees…!

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4175 Hits

Nespresso Customer Disaster

Nespresso - Giant coffee maker misses the mark.

After over 12 years of drinking Nespresso coffee, I decided to upgrade my machine and that’s when my story started going downhill. In this video I outline how Nespresso missed a great customer service opportunity by turning an evangelist into something quite else.

Big corporations need to grasp the concept that in this day and age of social media that no amount of marketing dollars can overcome the voice of the individual. So, I decided to create this video about how the Nespresso customer service fundamentally failed a person that was formally an evangelist for their company.

These are a few of the customer service lessons I would recommend they consider:
1.    Ensure the team knows the products they are supporting.
2.    Understand customer value.
3.    Individuals now have power
4.    Bad experiences have lasting impact.

I would encourage all readers of my blog to share this video with others as it’s a great lesson in what NOT to do in this day-and-age with customers.

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3519 Hits

Believe in Yourself

Australian Prime Minister - Scott Morrison

Embarrassingly, as many readers are aware, Australia has gone through seven prime ministers in the last ten years. The latest PM, Scott Morrison, only assumed the job eight months ago and across the last weekend the nation went to the polls to decide what to do with him.

I must admit that I love elections and I can’t help myself as I’m glued to the television for the evening as the fate of the nation unfolds. Democracy is an amazing process and sadly, I think I've bored all my family and friends on my love for the topic over the years. Democracy is when an entire nation sits on a knife edge as the people determine who has the right to lead them….it’s incredible!

What happened to Mr. Morrison? He won, and in my opinion, there was a very good reason why the people of Australia voted for him. All the opinion polls were against him but he won anyway….why was that?

In the post-election interviews a common theme emerged from the newly elected members of parliament. They shared about how Scott Morrison had an unshakable belief in himself. Despite all of the reasons to think otherwise, the newly endorsed Australian prime minister knew exactly how and what he had to communicate with the Australian people. He didn’t waver in his message and he was constant in its application.

Rather than oscillating on whether he should change based upon the latest opinion poll he maintained a personal conviction and message throughout the campaign. Clearly this resonated with voters as they voted him back into office.

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3040 Hits

Why Plans are Vital to Your Success

Today my wife has a big smile on her face because we're having our old kitchen ripped out and a new kitchen installed. Needless to say, the house is a bit of a disaster but the contractors that are doing the whole process know exactly what to do and in what order.

Having a plans is often viewed as unnecessary or something you put in the bottom of the drawer, but nothing could be further from the truth. I know that I feel a lot more comfortable knowing that the stone bench top is being put in after our new cupboards are in place.

If you can’t articulate what you’re trying to achieve in your own business in a structured plan, then it’s likely you won’t become a success. Many people have great ideas but very few have the ability to write them down and even fewer people can execute them.

About ten years ago, I was traveling on one of my around the world trips and dropped into Fort Lauderdale to catch-up with some friends. While I was there, I met with a couple of people that were looking to get some investment dollars into what I thought would be a potentially great business.

I asked them for their business plan and was met by a blank stare. I then asked for a forward projecting cashflow and the response was the same. In a bit of frustration I then asked to see their past financials and likewise these weren’t available…..oh dear.

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10019 Hits