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Saturday Musings - A Journey Through Time

Saturday Musings - A Journey Through Time

When I attended the recent Domain Conference in Florida I had a few copies of my science fiction book, Battleframe, to hand out as giveaways. It provoked a lot of discussion about scifi and one of the members of the Godaddy team ended up telling me about a book called “Read Player One”.

Ready Player OneBy the time I’d finally returned to Australia I’d completely forgotten the conversation until I received an Amazon delivery with a copy of the book inside. For a start the cover intrigued me, it had a picture of a young man climbing a stack of caravans……so I thought I’d give the book a shot and started reading.

What surprised me was the fact that the central theme running the whole way through “Ready Player One” was everything about the eighties. Computers, board games, computer games and music were all fodder for creating elaborate puzzle clues that the protagonist had to solve.

To be quite honest with you I cared less about the plot (which was a little simplistic) and more for the fact that it was a personal journey through time. Trash 80 computers with 16K or RAM, cassette loaders and Atari 2600 game consoles were carefully weaved into the overall story. I loved it!

My first computer was a Trash 80 clone and it sites under the stair in its box to this day! My second computer was a Commodore 64 and the games the characters played were straight from my childhood. Including Joust, Zaxxon, Defender (I loved that game) and the D&D (Dungeons and Dragons for the uninitiated) module “Tomb of Horrors”. I’d played and loved them all!

In fact, at one point I was desperately hoping the author would actually mention some of the games that I programmed…..but sadly no. The original “Lord of the Rings” and “Mugsy’s Revenge” weren’t mentioned. Maybe in book two JI can only hope!

Was it the best thing I’ve ever read? No. Was it just good mindless fun? Heck yeah! It managed to keep me up to the small hours of the morning which is all you can really ask from a book.

I would like to thank the entire Godaddy team for inspiring me to read “Ready Player One” and to the particular team member that sent me a copy of the book. I’ve already passed it onto my closest friend who is also one of the characters in Battleframe (Bosk).

Have a great weekend!

Greenberg & Lieberman

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Guest - Joe on 13 November 2016
Favorite Games

>>>ncluding Joust, Zaxxon, Defender (I loved...

Two of these were my favorites too!

>>>ncluding Joust, Zaxxon, Defender (I loved... Two of these were my favorites too!
mgilmour on 14 November 2016

And we mustn't forget Galaga :-)

And we mustn't forget Galaga :-)
vanclute on 13 November 2016
Ahhh classic video games...

I know you weren't an Apple guy, but for those who were... remember Karateka? First example of rotoscoping in a computer game as far as I know, and it blew us all away. There was a platformer on the C64 that came much later and also used (I believe anyway) roto, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

OMG I love the interwebz!! Found it... Flashback!

I know you weren't an Apple guy, but for those who were... remember Karateka? First example of rotoscoping in a computer game as far as I know, and it blew us all away. There was a platformer on the C64 that came much later and also used (I believe anyway) roto, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. OMG I love the interwebz!! Found it... Flashback!
mgilmour on 14 November 2016

I remember Karateka, it was awesome! Although I didn't really do much on the Apple II (couldn't afford one) I did mess around with drawing Cylon raiders with shape tables (early sprites) and played around with assembler. It was a lot of fun actually.
I discovered the cover for the Lord of the Rings game I worked on (it's the c64 version not the Amstrad).
Here's Mugsy's Revenge....
I worked during my vacation between years at university at the game developer Melbourne in Melbourne. it was a great experience.

I remember Karateka, it was awesome! Although I didn't really do much on the Apple II (couldn't afford one) I did mess around with drawing Cylon raiders with shape tables (early sprites) and played around with assembler. It was a lot of fun actually. I discovered the cover for the Lord of the Rings game I worked on (it's the c64 version not the Amstrad). [img][/img] Here's Mugsy's Revenge.... [img][/img] I worked during my vacation between years at university at the game developer Melbourne in Melbourne. it was a great experience.
mgilmour on 14 November 2016

I should mention that both Bosk and Lord Whizzbang and back playing Guild Wars 2 :-) After reading "Ready Player One" I just couldn't resist playing a game again :-)

I should mention that both Bosk and Lord Whizzbang and back playing Guild Wars 2 :-) After reading "Ready Player One" I just couldn't resist playing a game again :-)
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