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Part 3 - The EPC Opportunity

Part 3 - The EPC Opportunity

The formula outlined in the previous two articles on EPC looks a little scary but whether we like it or not it is THE formula upon which a huge amount of the domain investor community swings. Understanding how it can impact your business actually isn’t rocket science but requires a little intuition. Here is the EPC formula in its entirety.

EPC Forumla


The formula now incorporates the advertisement clicks and also the Monetisation company filter in the denominator. What it does clearly show is the closer you can get to an advertiser the higher the surprises there! The goal is to effectively eliminate many of the margins on the top line and potentially remove one of the multipliers in the denominator.

There are two problems with managing direct advertising relationships:

1.      There’s a large hidden downside cost associated with the relationship management.

2.      Most domain owners don’t have the scale to attract the interest of the serious advertisers.

The one great thing about domain parking is that it’s scalable without scaling the direct cost base associated with matching the advertisers. The question is whether there is enough free margin available to offset the costs.

The rise of zero-click solutions is an attempt at getting closer to the advertiser in a unique manner. For those of you that are unaware, zero-click is where domain traffic is routed directly through to an advertiser’s web page and does not require a click. Behind the scenes there is a real-time auction process to determine whether the zero-click advertiser will pay more than a parking solution for the traffic….if they do, then they get the traffic.

Many of the zero click companies have moved away from working directly with domain owners because the domain owners do not have enough traffic to warrant working with them. The cost of doing business is just too high…..therefore domain owners are faced with working with traffic aggregators.

What needs to be appreciated is that as soon as you add zero click to the mix then you are effectively introducing yet another EPC. Remember that EPC is a measurement across a period of time (typically 1 day) while zero-click is an offer at a point in time. In terms of the stock market, this is comparing an average price versus a spot price….the two don’t mix.

Let’s take a look at an example that will hopefully provide further insight into the challenges of zero-click. Remember the example of EPC we used in article two in this series? The EPC was made from six clicks each of $10, $10, $5, $5, $1 and $1. The final average EPC result for the day came to a value of $5.33. You don’t know the individual values that made up the $5.33 you ONLY know the $5.33.

Let’s imagine a zero-click solution offered $6 for the traffic? Since it’s more than $5.33 then it looks great! Wrong! Zero-click solutions are smart and only want the pristine traffic. They can often accept the traffic that you were previously getting paid $10 for and now pay you $6. Your average EPC for the day has now dropped to $4……which is lower than you received previously.

Correctly setting up a zero-click initially solution sounds trivial but it actually isn’t. There must be a dynamic swinging of the real-time auction process to ensure each piece of traffic receives its full value. This can get really complicated really quickly!

I hope this series of articles helps domain investors in their understanding of one of the very much taken for granted metrics that are bandied around. EPC isn’t as simple as can initially be thought about and yet coming to grips with its intricacies can pay significant dividends. If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

Greenberg and Lieberman

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vanclute on 25 November 2016
I'm just gonna say it...

and this is why I work with ParkLogic.

and this is why I work with ParkLogic. :D
mgilmour on 25 November 2016

LOL and thank you for your kind comment. :-)

LOL and thank you for your kind comment. :-)
vanclute on 25 November 2016
You're entirely welcome.

It was made with all sincerity! Trying to manage my own advertiser relationships was an area of absolute disaster for me as a traffic specialist, prior to stumbling across you guys (seems so long ago now!) Even though I wasn't trying to deal with direct advertisers and was simply using existing parking companies, attempting to juggle them all and manage all the different relationships - not to mention the technical issues around parking portions of a portfolio at various companies and trying to compare results fairly - was just time I was wasting by not spending it on my core competency - traffic. You took a massive and vital responsibility off my shoulders, and manage it far better than I could ever hope to, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You guys get revenue optimization in a way I don't encounter often (as in, ever) elsewhere.

Plus you're a fellow old-school gamer since back in the day so, gotta respect that.

It was made with all sincerity! Trying to manage my own advertiser relationships was an area of absolute disaster for me as a traffic specialist, prior to stumbling across you guys (seems so long ago now!) Even though I wasn't trying to deal with direct advertisers and was simply using existing parking companies, attempting to juggle them all and manage all the different relationships - not to mention the technical issues around parking portions of a portfolio at various companies and trying to compare results fairly - was just time I was wasting by not spending it on my core competency - traffic. You took a massive and vital responsibility off my shoulders, and manage it far better than I could ever hope to, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You guys get revenue optimization in a way I don't encounter often (as in, ever) elsewhere. Plus you're a fellow old-school gamer since back in the day so, gotta respect that. ;)
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