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A Simple Way To Sell More Domains

A Simple Way To Sell More Domains

Domain marketplaces are rewarded on a commission basis for bringing buyers and sellers together and doing whatever they can to ensure a transaction occurs. What domain investors need to appreciate is that a marketplace gets paid a commission on a sale transaction, whether it’s the individual investor’s domains or not.

What am I getting at here. One of the most valuable assets that a domain has is traffic. In fact, there is a whole business model of monetization that is based upon the fact that advertisers love the traffic so much they are willing to pay a lot for it.

Ask yourself this question, “How much did a marketplace pay for your domains traffic?” Each day you are sending red hot leads into the marketplaces and yet most of those leads go to buying other people’s domains. My second question is, “What commission did you received on those sales?” Here’s the answer, zero.

The counter argument to this is the commission levels are set by taking into account the traffic. I don’t buy into this argument because if that was the case there would be differing commission levels based upon traffic and this does not happen.

So how do you get around this problem? The best solution would be to add all your domains to the various marketplaces so that they can receive offers via everyone else’s traffic. Then build a website that features your own domains.

On the individual domain pages have links that allows the buyer to purchase via each of the various marketplaces or via an Escrow buy link (then you'll be protected in the sales transaction).

All the sales links on your domain parked pages should then point to a page that features the domain inside your own website. This will then give the buyer the scope to easily view your other domains you have for sale that they may wish to purchase.

What you’re trying to do here is leverage your own traffic to help sell more of your own assets. If you don’t have any traffic then I wouldn’t bother with this strategy but if you do then you’d be crazy not to try it out.

I should state that I don’t have anything against the domain marketplaces… fact, I think that on the whole they do a good job. If they have created a large opportunity in their business models that can be exploited, then why wouldn’t you take it?

On the other hand, there is an opportunity for one of the marketplaces to break ranks and to pay a referral commission to the domain owner that originated the lead. Now that would shake things up a bit!


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Guest - Andrew Hyde on 28 March 2017
Landing Pages

I've done exactly what you are referring to. I've created my own landing pages where I provide the domain registration date and some info on the keywords. I'm involved in a couple of other projects so I don't always have time to tune it up the keywords, but it has increased traffic because the pages are seo friendly and they link directly to a buy now page. I don't own a lot on names, but I have a few good ones and I have recently reduced the price on some key consulting and tech domains. My rational for having these landing pages was to see the amount of views they are getting and being able to track where they are coming in from, which you also don't get with most marketplaces.

It's not that hard to create the landing pages either. My site is built with DotNetNuke and SQL Server, so I added a table for domain listing and then pull the info from that table per the page url. All the modules on the page are common and adding a new domain for sale is simple. You can see it working here on or I recently just made the change to this type of listing so I don't have any sales figures to quote, but here's to hoping that changes. Great article btw, that's what we're all looking for is better effective ways to sell. Thanks

I've done exactly what you are referring to. I've created my own landing pages where I provide the domain registration date and some info on the keywords. I'm involved in a couple of other projects so I don't always have time to tune it up the keywords, but it has increased traffic because the pages are seo friendly and they link directly to a buy now page. I don't own a lot on names, but I have a few good ones and I have recently reduced the price on some key consulting and tech domains. My rational for having these landing pages was to see the amount of views they are getting and being able to track where they are coming in from, which you also don't get with most marketplaces. It's not that hard to create the landing pages either. My site is built with DotNetNuke and SQL Server, so I added a table for domain listing and then pull the info from that table per the page url. All the modules on the page are common and adding a new domain for sale is simple. You can see it working here on or I recently just made the change to this type of listing so I don't have any sales figures to quote, but here's to hoping that changes. Great article btw, that's what we're all looking for is better effective ways to sell. Thanks
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