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GDD and Domaining Europe

GDD and Domaining Europe

So here I am again sitting in the Emirates business lounge at Melbourne airport waiting on my flight through to Madrid and the ICANN GDD domain conference. For those of you that think a 3 hour domestic flight in the US is a long way I would like you to pity me (at least for a little bit) as I begin journey my 24 hour journey. Yes, you read right it is 24 hours.

If you've ever wondered how anyone can survive that long in a flying tin can then let me pass on a few tips. When I finally board the plane I pull out my Bose noise cancelling headphones and assume the foetal position. Eventually I spasm uncontrollably and then collapse into a least until some knocks my head as they walk past in the aisle. This should give you a hint that I'm not flying business class on this expedition.

Flying isn't so much as a joy but something to be endured as you whip around the time zones. The most amazing thing is I often find my body in one location while my mind is several thousand miles away, desperately trying catch-up and jam itself into a new time zone which means breakfast consists of everything you would normally have for dinner.

Enough of my complaining about why am I doing it? GDD in Madrid is a smaller ICANN conference which is focused on registries and registrars rather than lots of policy stuff. I'm looking forward to Madrid and also the conference and more in particular it's going to be great to meet a lot of new faces and say "hi" to some long-lasting friends.

After a brief stop-over for the weekend I then head to Berlin and Domaining Europe. There is one thing for sure.....Domaining Europe continues to grow and Dietmar is one of those affectionate hosts that you just love to see each year. I'm on 3 panels and I have a speaking session at the conference and I'm looking forward to it!

I hate to say it but my flight just got called so I've have to go.

See you all in Europe!

PS. I nearly forgot to mention that Roselyn will be with me on this make sure you say "hi" as she's really looking forward to meeting you all. :-)


Video - Traffic Monetisation
Interview with Jackson Elsegood -


alfsan on 08 May 2017

Hi Michael! I'm Alfredo from the .BAR .REST registry, would be great to have a nice talk and your insight on development of tld's!

Hi Michael! I'm Alfredo from the .BAR .REST registry, would be great to have a nice talk and your insight on development of tld's!
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