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Saturday Musings - My Lady of the Lake


I love lakes. They are beautifully calming as you gaze across their sparkling surface in the glow of a setting sun. It just so happens I don’t enjoy one particular lake……this one spontaneously formed in our bedroom early Tuesday morning.

I was working late (as I often do), headed to bed and as I stepped into the bedroom, rather than the comforting soft new plush carpet beneath my feet I heard a splash. You guessed it, we had a cracked pipe that was letting out water that should normally be trapped inside of it into our bedroom.

Being the good husband that I am, I waded across the bedroom and woke up my wife to inform her we were about to drown in the half inch of water making its way towards our bed. Being the joy of my life, she replied, “What do you want me to do about it?” and promptly went back to sleep. It was with fear and trepidation that I too managed a few winks to dreams of be engulfed in a deluge.

The next day I mastered my anxiety and called the insurance company. I was no longer anxious about the water (I’d got over that) but more apprehensive about what the heck did our policy actually cover in these circumstances.

The lady on the other end of the phone was incredibly helpful and at one stage she asked a simple question, “Did you turn the water off at the front of the house?” Being a computer boffin it never occurred to me that I could do such a thing so I was obviously dealing with a genius on the other end of the phone.

A few hours later some technical plumbers came out and identified the leak as being under a wall, somewhere in our concrete slab. Of course, this created a dispute with the insurance company about what they were going to pay and what we had to pay but after about 6 hours of phone calls and escalating it up the corporate structure it was all agreed. So on Monday we will have a plumber open up our wall, jackhammer the concrete slab and fix the leak.

So why is this article titled “The Lady of the Lake?” It just so happens that it was our thirtieth wedding anniversary on Wednesday and I said to Roselyn, it’s not often a husband goes to the trouble of bringing a lake to his wife for such as a special occasion. Like the Arthurian legend, she is my beautiful Lady of the Lake.

Now I just have to get the swamp away from the bed!

Have a great weekend….in the meantime, check out a few photos below from our wedding 30 years ago. I married an absolutely stunning girl...and she's even more beautiful today.

The Hidden Opportunities in ccTLDs
Saturday Musings – A 38 Year Project Is Completed


Rawgi on 29 August 2017
Your Lady Of The Lake

A most impressive couple, you are doing something right. I wish you both many more years of wedded bliss. You are right that not every man would bring the lake to his lady, and darn near sacrifice the house to do it, LOL.

A most impressive couple, you are doing something right. I wish you both many more years of wedded bliss. You are right that not every man would bring the lake to his lady, and darn near sacrifice the house to do it, LOL.
mgilmour on 29 August 2017

LOL! What more can I say?

LOL! What more can I say?
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