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Saturday Musings - When Your Body's at War


This past week was a complete mess for me. Monday and Tuesday were fine but Wednesday morning I woke up with a bad case of the flu. My brain was about as useful as a squished tomato and my body felt like a truck had driven over every square inch of it.

In this sense of stupor, I developed a fresh love affair with the couch and television remote. It’s amazing how many useless shows you can catch-up on that you didn’t even know existed prior to your state of incapacitation.

It was during this time I began to ponder the important aspects of life such as; Why does every part of Netflix seem to have exactly the same shows listed? Why is it that the categorisation system for iTunes seems to think that “Top Gun” is a romantic comedy? Who thought that Disney’s “A Wrinkle in Time” was actually worth ninety minutes of my life?

The one saving grace was many of the shows overcame the drums beating in my head and sent me to sleep. So day one was largely consumed with mindless television, sleeping and answering a couple of emails… the way, I cannot be held responsible for whatever I wrote on Wednesday so if you received an email from me then just reply with a big question mark.

I’m a person that likes to achieve things each day so when I woke up on day two of being ill I was ready to rip my eyeballs out, shove a pipe-cleaner into my ears to stop the itching and have my nose surgically removed to stop the endless dripping.

So day two I decided to at least get myself inspired with the movie the “Social Network” followed by reading a few chapters of “Principles” by Ray Dalio (great book BTW). It wasn't long before I noticed that I smelt like a gorilla’s armpit, so I had a shower and sat at my PC to do some work (big mistake). Thirty minutes later I climbed into bed and slept six hours.

Day three arrives and I my body told me it was on the mend….hooray! I stupidly decided to get going as if I was completely well and collapsed in a heap. Sleep was once again the order of the day…..although I did manage to sit at my computer for an hour so some progress was made.

So now it’s Saturday and although not 100%, I’m feeling a lot better. I no longer hear Metalica smashing through my brain and my muscles are aching a lot less. With any luck, in another twenty-four hours I’ll be back to normal.

So what did I learn during my convalescence? Pretty simple really, don’t get sick as it really sucks! Have a great weekend.

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