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Saturday Musings - TED Talk by Ray Dalio

20180929_raydalio Principles - Ray Dailio TED talk

As many readers are aware, during this year I’ve been sharing a number of the principles that I endeavour to follow in my own life. I’ve found they have helped me enormously in relationships and making better decisions.

Early this year I had a friend give me the book “Principles” by Ray Dalio and recommended that I read it. I found it was really interesting reading from a person that has analytically put principles into practice in almost every aspect of his business. I should say from the start that I didn’t agree with everything that he wrote but it was still extremely challenging.

Ray spoke at TED 2017 in Vancouver and in a simple example I think he brilliantly summarised the practical outworking of what it means to work in a radically transparent meritocracy. This allows the staff at his hedge fund, Bridgewater Capital, to focus on the best ideas rather than all the politics that often rips apart many organisations and often results in bad decision making.

He freely admits that it’s not for everyone but the example he uses of radical transparency is eye opening….and extremely challenging. I hope you enjoy the video and find it thought provoking.

Have a great weekend.

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Guest - Jeff Schneider on 01 October 2018
Investing Before The Wave !

Hello Michael,

We (Contact Group) are recommending, Selling your listed stock investments and replacing with (.COM Equimoditty Platform Assets) ,which are Strategically Superior asset plays. Especially when we see an extreme ramp up in demand for quality (.COM Equimoditty Platform Assets) due to the introduction of a Web Business Configurater or Web Business Incubator, that is collectively being formulated by more than one Entity as we speak. In the near future there will be a Cloud Based, Turnkey Business Configurater, designed to take Online Business Expansion to the next Level. There will be resistance from certain factions, who may try to block this needed Evolutionary Disruption. Those who are early adopters to this coming Platform, will be the futures new Internet Powerhouses. Its end result will culminate into the most rapid and dramatic Capital Expansion, the world has ever experienced. (.COM Equimoditty Platform Asset (Tax Shelters) ) will comprise its principal base JAS 9/29/18

Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence, Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )

Hello Michael, We (Contact Group) are recommending, Selling your listed stock investments and replacing with (.COM Equimoditty Platform Assets) ,which are Strategically Superior asset plays. Especially when we see an extreme ramp up in demand for quality (.COM Equimoditty Platform Assets) due to the introduction of a Web Business Configurater or Web Business Incubator, that is collectively being formulated by more than one Entity as we speak. In the near future there will be a Cloud Based, Turnkey Business Configurater, designed to take Online Business Expansion to the next Level. There will be resistance from certain factions, who may try to block this needed Evolutionary Disruption. Those who are early adopters to this coming Platform, will be the futures new Internet Powerhouses. Its end result will culminate into the most rapid and dramatic Capital Expansion, the world has ever experienced. (.COM Equimoditty Platform Asset (Tax Shelters) ) will comprise its principal base JAS 9/29/18 Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Former Rockefeller IBEC Marketing Intelligence, Analyst/Strategist) (Licensed CBOE Commodity Hedge Strategist) (Domain Master )
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