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Saturday Musings - Taking Time Out
Finding out how you recharge your batteries is one of the most important things you can do. Each of us have a little internal dynamo that sometimes winds down. The end result is that many of us grit our teeth with internal exhaustion as we face each day.
Internal tiredness has nothing to do with the number of hours of sleep we’ve had the night before but more about a sense of needing some “me” time. For some people this means going to the gym, taking a walk or staring at the television….for me it’s a little different.
For example, last night at around midnight I decided to stop working and pulled out a new computer game. Next thing I know it’s 4am and my empire has now expanded across multiple star systems. I tear myself away from my PC and decide that it’s about time for me to head to bed. I wake up about 5 hours later completely refreshed and so excited about the Saturday ahead of me.
For me, I have two different “tiredness” clocks inside of me. One is…..lack of sleep over an extended period of time and the other is my dynamo that has just run out of steam. The first one is easy to fix and the second one takes a little more effort.
If you’re ever tired but not really tired, then ask yourself what’s your dynamo doing? When was the last time you were extravagant with your time by doing something for yourself? It’s likely you’ve been racing around making everyone else happy and completely forgotten the fact that you need time as well.
This weekend I’d encourage you to find that thing that spins up your dynamo….in the meantime I’ve got an insurrection in Alpha Centauri to deal with!
Have a great weekend.
I wonder if this will inspire you to write another BOOK... (smile)
I recently had to get a boost for myself as well... to do something
completely different... a new passion for me - I love to put a smile
on the faces of the little ladies at the Senior Center and in Nursing Homes
I am able to do that now with BlingersClub on Facebook - my new group...
The little ladies eyes twinkle like they are kids at Christmas... I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT...
~Patricia Kaehler