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Saturday Musings – Creating Your Future

20190728_future Where are you going?

I had an interesting conversation with a couple of people recently where I asked them a number of questions about their life, one of which was, “Where are you headed?” I would like to ask you this question as well, “Where are you headed?”

This question is profound in its simplicity but more often than not it’s really difficult to answer. I’ve found that many people really don’t consider the implications of this question when it comes to their life. Getting some peace around “Where you are headed” should be the number one goal that all of us have as it will centre your life and bring meaning to what you are currently doing.

Once you have defined where you are headed you can then map out the steps and decisions that you need to make to get there. Without the direction then you’re going to be like a boat without a rudder aimless being pushed by the currents and winds of life.

It really doesn’t matter how small your steps are towards where you’re are headed. I find that many people don’t take the baby steps because they have an attitude of “what’s the point?” The point is you’re starting to move forward and with every step you’re gaining momentum.

Let’s imagine your dream is to be financially free within three years. If that’s where you’re headed, then why on earth would you try and get some more low paid work on the weekend? It would be far better to establish the beginnings of a reoccurring revenue stream that pays one dollar a day, day in and day out. BTW, particularly with the online world, there are so many ways of doing this is crazy.

I remember when I first started out investing in domains for their traffic. I managed to generate $5/day and I was so excited! I called up a friend and told them all about what I was doing. In a very sage, wise voice they said, “Michael, you can’t even buy a McDonald’s happy meal.” What a downer!

What they failed to grasp was the fact that I was earning $5 EVERY day and that all I needed to do was get more domains. For the next 12 months all I did was focus on buying domains and in the end the detractor who had previously laughed at me went to buy some himself. You see, I’d reached my goal and I was financially free with a stable recurring revenue stream.

Don’t disparage the small steps. Whatever you are doing to head towards your goal make sure you are moving forward….even if it’s only a tiny step forward. Other well-meaning people will council you to give up on your dream but just hang in there and keep on putting one foot in front of another.

When you’re headed towards your goal it’s very easy to get side-tracked by other great opportunities. Always evaluate them in terms of the star you are heading towards….Too many people get distracted by the “new shiny glitzy thing” and forget that it has nothing to do with where they are going.

For example, getting another job on the weekend may put more money in your pocket but it does next to nothing to creating a reoccurring independent revenue stream. You only have to ask yourself what would happen if you lost your job to come to this conclusion.

My advice is to work out where you’re headed and make sure that whatever you do it’s all about heading in that direction. As time goes by, you’ll get there but only if you put one foot in front of another.

Have a great weekend!

Epik escrow or
Saturday Musings - Listen to Your Passion


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Saturday, 14 September 2024
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