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20 Tips to Get the Most Out of NamesCon - Part 2
In this short series of articles I'm sharing some of the things that I consider prior and during NamesCon so that from a business perspective I can get the most out of the event. This is the second part in a two part series on "Getting the Most Out of NamesCon". The first part can be read by clicking here.
I would like to remind readers that if you haven't registered for NamesCon as yet then you can click on the above banner and receive a 20% discount. Full disclosure, I don't make anything from this and it was a generous offer from NamesCon to help the users of WhizzbangsBlog.
11. Organise meetings before NamesCon
Don’t wait until NamesCon starts to organise a meeting with someone. More than likely the person you are wanting to catch-up with will have a full agenda and you won’t get any time with them. To avoid disappointment, reach out to them before the event and be sure you clearly state your objectives for the meeting.
12. Keep some time clear
Don’t completely block out your entire schedule with meetings. Keep some time open for that interesting opportunity that comes along that warrant’s further discussion. In many respects these types of meetings are the icing on the NamesCon cake.
13. Smile
There’s nothing quite like seeing someone at a conference that looks like their having a good time. A simple smile transforms the face and your demeanour. It also tells all those people around you that you’re open for business! It doesn’t cost a thing to smile… give it a go.
14. Take meeting notes
Let me assure you that by meeting ten you won’t be able to remember what happened in meeting one. Take LOTS of notes WITH action items. If I’m in a meeting with someone that doesn’t take notes then sadly, it’s likely the meeting won’t result in any business.
15. Walk the exhibit hall
With a new city and venue, I’m not sure what the exhibit hall will be like this year but normally I make it a point to walk around the stalls to get an idea what's hot and what's....not. Remember, the exhibitors are wanting to do business….so they are looking for opportunities and you just might be the next one.
16. Be Nice to the NamesCon Staff
I’ve always found the NamesCon staff are incredibly helpful and will try to make the conference as streamlined as possible for you. That being said, sometimes things can go wrong. Don’t get angry at them….they are the person that is going to help you resolve whatever issue it is that needs fixing. Treat them with respect, smile and ask for their help.
17. Talk to Strangers
It can be quite daunting attending a conference like NamesCon for the first time. Everyone else seems to know each other and you feel like you’re the odd one out. I personally like going up to complete strangers, introduce myself and ask them why they’re attending NamesCon. It’s amazing the people you will meet in this manner and to date, none of them bitten my head off. As an aside, it’s often the quiet, unassuming people that are making all the money! Seek those people out.
18. Don’t book meetings in the evening
During the evening, I like to reserve time to get to know partners and potential clients better. There’s nothing quite like having a meal with someone to really get to know them. Just remember to choose a location where the music isn’t too loud, or you’ll lose your voice and not be able to have a meaningful conversation.
19. Traveling back home
I find that I’m normally REALLY tired after NamesCon but despite this I always spend the time writing a conference report that summarises all of my meetings. This helps me crystalize the various opportunities in my own mind as well as providing a synopsis of event for the ParkLogic team back home.
20. Follow-up
Either on the plane (remember it takes me around 20 hours to head home) or when I get home, I follow-up each of the contacts with an email. As soon as I land and connect to wifi the emails shoot out and I’ve started the ball rolling in getting the deals done.
I hope you have enjoyed this two part series on how I approach a conference like NamesCon. The final point I should add is that NamesCon is a LOT of don't be a stranger, register and I'll see you there!