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Saturday Musings - The Winds of Change...

20191124_videos Early stages of the WhizzbangsBlog studio

I’ve been enjoying blogging now for near enough on 12 years and to be quite honest with you it’s been one of the joys of my life. Sharing my thoughts each week with readers from across the world has been a privilege and I would like to thank you all for your kind words of support.

After considerable thought I decided that Whizzbangsblog needed a little shake up and that it was time for a change…..and it’s all good!

For a start, I plan to update the look, feel and functionality of the website so that it’s easier for readers to find articles they are after. If anyone knows a good Joomla template designer, then please don’t hesitate to let me know.

As well as my normal blogs I plan on doing a LOT more videos as well as introducing a podcast. The vlogs and podcasts will cover a number of main themes:

  • Business and entrepreneurship.
  • Extended, long-form interviews with interesting people from all sorts of backgrounds.
  • Getting the most from life (ie. video musings).
  • My other writing (scifi book, children’s adventure etc.)

What I would like to know is which topics you would like to hear more on. Is it a specific part of domain investing, business, life or something else entirely? Please let me know as I plan on scheduling the content over the coming weeks.

Don’t be surprised if some readers get tapped on the shoulder for an interview, either in person or via skype/zoom. I personally believe that everyone has an interesting life story within them, and it would be great hear it.

The photo in this article is a really early shot of how the studio is coming together. I’m still in the process of working out backgrounds, props etc. to make it look a little more interesting than a bunch of technical equipment. I’ve set it up in a small spare bedroom and despite the lack of space it all seems to be coming together nicely.

For those of you that are interested, it’s a three-camera setup with both a sound and video mixer (not in photo), a couple of Rode microphones mounted on the desk, a Rode wireless microphone, LED lighting rig, BlackMagic Designs video monitor plus a host of other gear. I’m sure I’ll do a video blog on it all at some stage.

Needless to say, I’m really excited about this new direction for WhizzbangsBlog as I hope to broaden the audience while continuing to provide insights into the domain industry. Besides all of that, it’s going to be a LOT of fun! I would only ask that you forgive me for any lack of videoing expertise….I do hope to get better over time.

Stay tuned as WhizzbangsBlog goes through a quiet revolution over the coming months. I hope you'll enjoy listening to the podcasts, watching the videos and continue reading the various blogs I post each week. Once again, I would like to thank you for your support of the many years and for inspiring me to try something new and exciting.

Have a great weekend!

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