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Saturday Musings - Lessons From Marriage

20200314_marriage How do you grow your love?

While attending the recent NamesCon conference I was sitting in the bar late one night and I was asked a question that had nothing to do with business or domains. It was how I managed to stay married to the same woman for the last 32 years.

I was initially a little confused by the question as it was highly unexpected, but the friend opposite me was really seeking how they could make their own relationship richer. With a sense of humility, I began to share some of my own experiences and lessons from over the years.

I openly admit that I don’t have all the answers about how to make a perfect marriage, but I have learned a few things along the journey. Sure, like any relationships they’re have been some road bumps along the way but through it all we’ve managed to grow our love for each other and enjoy a little "slice of heaven on earth".

I would welcome hearing from readers/viewers of the video if it provokes you to reflect on what has worked for your own relationship with your significant other. No one hands out a manual on how to have a great let's share so we can all learn. Also, don’t forget to like/subscribe to the video or sign-up to the alerts so you never miss out on another blog.

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Wolftalker on 15 March 2020

...kills passion. So get things out in the open, discuss, communicate - constantly.

...kills passion. So get things out in the open, discuss, communicate - constantly.
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