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Saturday Musings - Your Word is Your Bond

20200321_bond Are you up a person of your word?

Are you a person of your word? In a world of contracts, non-disclosure agreements and other legal paraphernalia a person’s “word” appears to be a bit of an archaic concept. Why is it then that the fictional character of Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice is so revered?

Being a person of your word is ultimately at the heart of every relationship, whether it’s familiar members, friends or in business. When you say you will do something then you will do it…..but what happens when you can’t?
In this Saturday Musings I attempt to explore what it means to be a person of character where your word is your bond and how to overcome the problem of failing the “Mr Darcy” high bar.

One thing is for sure, the world could use more people that do what they say and say what they will do. I wonder what it would be like if you were a little more like Mr Darcy and the impact you would have on the people around you. I would encourage you to take some time-out this weekend to consider the challenges posed in this video.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel or the browser notifications on the website. Don’t be a stranger….or a lurker, feel free to share about your own experiences on this topic.

Have a great weekend!

Week 2 - Impact of COVID-19
Covid-19 and Domain Investing

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Wolftalker on 21 March 2020
Machiavelli didn't say this exactly...

but only a friend can betray you.

but only a friend can betray you.
mgilmour on 23 March 2020

How true.....but wouldn't we all be a lot more lonely without them.

How true.....but wouldn't we all be a lot more lonely without them.
whizzbang on 22 March 2020
In domaining...

Right, a 'friend' registers a domain for you, $1. He says over and over he will do one thing or another, failing time after time, for 5 days in a row.

You confront him directly, say you're upset at him. For dropping the ball/making excuses.

He says you 'disrespected' him, and he's keeping 'your domain'.

You did many things for him he paid $20 (lol) expecting a great website for his business... The same deal as the past, for this friend, except he just abandoned every idea, sticking me with dozens of hours of wasted time - each and every time. NOT A MAN of HIS WORD.

You hold $500 worth of crypto for him, because he is too incompetent to make a wallet, then blames you when the value falls.

He taunts you with the domain, claiming to haven given it back to everyone, while keeping it to himself for 3 months long. He boldy lies over and over on forums, to provoke you even more. Him and his friends pleasure themselves within his lies, embracing them in your face.

You argue with him rationally, explaining, it's your domain. You did a lot for this person. He and everyone laughs over a '$1' domain, bought with the explicit stipulation it was MY domain REGARDLESS of the future.

This is how the domaining world is. They only care about $. If it were a $1000 domain, things would be diff perhaps. Their ONLY principle is Money. They are a slave to money, not virtue.

Instead they threaten with violence and insult your intelligence when confronted with facts and impossible-to-argue reasoning. They're evil, they're weak, and they are fools. Blow on each other.

Right, a 'friend' registers a domain for you, $1. He says over and over he will do one thing or another, failing time after time, for 5 days in a row. You confront him directly, say you're upset at him. For dropping the ball/making excuses. He says you 'disrespected' him, and he's keeping 'your domain'. You did many things for him he paid $20 (lol) expecting a great website for his business... The same deal as the past, for this friend, except he just abandoned every idea, sticking me with dozens of hours of wasted time - each and every time. NOT A MAN of HIS WORD. You hold $500 worth of crypto for him, because he is too incompetent to make a wallet, then blames you when the value falls. He taunts you with the domain, claiming to haven given it back to everyone, while keeping it to himself for 3 months long. He boldy lies over and over on forums, to provoke you even more. Him and his friends pleasure themselves within his lies, embracing them in your face. You argue with him rationally, explaining, it's your domain. You did a lot for this person. He and everyone laughs over a '$1' domain, bought with the explicit stipulation it was MY domain REGARDLESS of the future. This is how the domaining world is. They only care about $. If it were a $1000 domain, things would be diff perhaps. Their ONLY principle is Money. They are a slave to money, not virtue. Instead they threaten with violence and insult your intelligence when confronted with facts and impossible-to-argue reasoning. They're evil, they're weak, and they are fools. Blow on each other.
mgilmour on 23 March 2020

What a sad story!
In every industry there are people that are untrustworthy. What do I mean by this? There are some people that are not WORTHY of our other words they are not people of their word.

Trust me when I say that there are a LOT of people in the domain industry that are fantastic to do business with and will do anything for you. I've now been working in the domain industry for nearly 20 years and I can assure you your experience is in the don't lose faith, just move onto people with better character.

What a sad story! In every industry there are people that are untrustworthy. What do I mean by this? There are some people that are not WORTHY of our other words they are not people of their word. Trust me when I say that there are a LOT of people in the domain industry that are fantastic to do business with and will do anything for you. I've now been working in the domain industry for nearly 20 years and I can assure you your experience is in the don't lose faith, just move onto people with better character.
Rawgi on 23 March 2020

If only there was a scanner for people so you could cut through the crap and save everyone a lot of time and headaches. And sometimes you can be lonely with friends if they aren't the sincere kind. If the person is giving excuses and not keeping their word, cut the ties, accept the loss, and move on.

If only there was a scanner for people so you could cut through the crap and save everyone a lot of time and headaches. And sometimes you can be lonely with friends if they aren't the sincere kind. If the person is giving excuses and not keeping their word, cut the ties, accept the loss, and move on.
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