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Industry Update - 5th Oct 2020

20201005_update It looks like the Google upward trend has ended.

This week we dive into the data and unpack what appears to be the beginnings of a major new trend that will impact everyone that monetizes domain traffic. The almost linear increase in the rate that Google has been paying for traffic has tipped over and now looks to be sliding away.

So has Google been playing a bit of a game by paying more for traffic, crushing the direct advertising networks and then now paying less? Time will only tell and I’m looking forward to viewing the coming week’s statistics. I wouldn’t be surprised if the direct advertising networks are more resilient than Google first anticipated… watch this space.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions and likes either here on my blog or on my Youtube channel . You can also subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on future updates.

For FREE online lessons in domain monetization go to

Industry Update - 12th Oct 2020
Conversations with Richard Lau

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