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Industry Update - 25th Feb 2021

2020225_update The statistics are changing....!

This past week has been quite hectic for me from both a business and a personal perspective. I would like to apologize to readers for not getting out last week’s video….a whole list of issues just got the better of me and I ran out of time.

Last Friday my father had to be rushed to hospital in an ambulance after suffering from a stroke. The good news is that after a few nights in the hospital he’s now home again and recuperating. As you might expect, this slammed my time and I wasn’t able to record last week’s video.

But now it’s this week and what a difference 14 days can make to the statistics. I hope you enjoy this week’s numbers and find them as exciting as I do.

One other thing…I’ve had a number of requests from ParkLogic clients that are wanting to purchase traffic domain portfolio(s). They are cashed up and serious. If you are wanting to sell or you know of anyone that is wanting to sell a portfolio then please reach out to me as we have buyers.

Industry Update - 5 Mar 2021
Nespresso Customer Disaster

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