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Industry Update - 5 Mar 2021

20210305_update Google catches a cold!

This week saw some big changes in the numbers as Google fell away and the direct advertising networks picked up the slack. Yes, you read that first sentence correctly. Google dropped substantially in what it was paying out to domain investors while the other networks paid out more.

This brings up an important point. If you are not exposed to other sources of income other than Google then your revenue can be at risk. If you’re doing more than $500 per month in revenue, then I would encourage you to reach out to me at ParkLogic or via my blog as getting a broader mix into your revenue can help mitigate a lot of downside risk.

If you are looking at selling a traffic domain portfolio then we have some cashed up investors that are able to buy. Please feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested.

I would like to also thank all those people that wished my Dad well. He had a health issue that a bit scary for him and the entire family. The good news is he’s back home and doing well.

Nespresso - Customer Disaster Recovery
Industry Update - 25th Feb 2021

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