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Nespresso - Customer Disaster Recovery

20210306_nespresso Nespress did an awesome job.

You may remember that a couple of weeks ago I had a problem with the Nespresso customer service….well, actually a disaster. What’s happened since then you may ask? A lesson by no one less than the CEO of Nespresso Oceania in turning a bad customer experience into an outstanding one.

I’ve always loved Nespresso coffees. They taste great, are quick to make and bring a subtle sense of joy to each day. This video is about how Nespresso turned a poor customer service experience into an amazing one. I then share a few thoughts on why I love my Nespresso coffees…..why not, they did an incredible job.

For those of you that are wondering, no, I did not get paid to do this video, write this blog and send it out to the thousands of readers and followers. I just like sharing about my passion for Nespresso coffees…!

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