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Domain Industry Update - 25 Mar 2021

20210325_update Numbers are all over the place.

The week saw some pretty bumpy numbers with both Google and Direct advertising networks being buffeted up and down. It will be interesting to see if this type of behaviour is going to continue in the coming weeks.

I had a great time sharing and listening to last week’s in ClubHouse. For those of you that were unaware, I’m now running a weekly 1-hour session on “Entrepreneurship and Life”. As an interim measure you can go to to sign-up to the club or and go to this week’s session details.

This week is title “The Entrepreneur’s Hope” and in this we will be looking at what drives entrepreneurs to push through adversity, work crazy hours and give so much for their dream.

Date: Every Sunday 7PM EST, 7PM PST – information on “Entrepreneurship and Life” – This week’s topic

See you there!

Conversations with Christina Beavis
Industry Update - 19 Mar 2021


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