Personal Musings – Wisdom and Intelligence

Thoughts on how to improve yourself.

I’ve seen some incredible intelligent people make the stupidest decisions and this really highlights the fact that wisdom and intelligence are completely different to one another. In this video I share my thoughts on these two important attributes and where I go to find both each day.

Although it’s important to expand your breadth of knowledge it’s also just as important, if not more so, to spend time learning to become wise. I know many people that don’t have higher education qualifications but are incredibly wise as they have behind them a wealth of experience.

I hope you enjoy this video as the first in a new series on my thoughts on everyday issues that many of us to spend the time thinking about. At the end of the video, I would encourage you to stop and consider what I shared and think about how it can be applied to your own life.

Have a great weekend.


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Saturday Musings - The Getting of Wisdom

I’ve been a parent for over a couple of decades now and during this time I’ve learned a few things about bringing up our children. The biggest challenge that I had to overcome within myself is to let my kids fail.

Since my own children were born, all I wanted to do was protect them from whatever may happen. Be that a stubbed toe, bullies at school or what they watch on television. A switch went off in my head that said, “I need to shield my kids from anything that can harm them.”

The problem was that as the years went by I found that I couldn’t and shouldn’t protect them from everything. In order for them to grow up into adults of character they needed to experience the consequences of their actions and not be constantly protected by Mum and Dad.

For example, when our kids were little they would be fascinated by fire. I would tell them not to touch it and they wouldn’t because it would burn them. If my 21 year old son picked up a burning stick then I’d now tell him he was an idiot.

When I talk to my friends, what we all seem to have in common is the challenge of moving from a “parent/child” (do what I say) to “parent/advisor” (I have wisdom) role. I’ve always advised people that when they have a problem seem somebody not just anybody to receive wisdom.

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Recent Comments
Very insightful Michael.
01 March 2015
Thanks for that!
03 March 2015
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