ParkLogic Next - Part 3

The first two articles in this series discussed the different aspects of the exciting new ParkLogic Next platform. Below is a video that demonstrates a number of the features of Next in the client interface.

Don't forget to catch-up with a ParkLogic representative at the Merge conference in Orlando over the next few days. I'm sure they will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

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Guest — Matt @ Bodis
Haven't seen the first two parts yet, but the new UI/features from this video look very solid and seems quite flexible. Congrats M... Read More
13 October 2017
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ParkLogic Next - Part 2

Part 1 in the series on the new ParkLogic Next platform covered a number of the innovations that have been built into the new platform. In this article, I'm highlighting some of the new features in the client interface that greatly assist in managing a domain portfolio.

On top of the revolutionized backend the ParkLogic team have poured a huge amount of effort into providing a client interface that is full of invaluable easily accessible information. The ultimate goal is to make downloading statistics into Excel a thing of the past. Right in the interface, clients can sort, filter and manipulate their domain traffic data…..but of course, CSV files will always be available.

The dashboard provides a slider for expanded viewing of date ranges and you can even drop trend lines right on a chart. At a click of a button, any data in a graph can be instantly displayed in the table below. It’s all about making the data both accessible and actionable.

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ParkLogic Next - Part 1

It’s not often that I directly highlight what my own company, ParkLogic, has been working on to better monetise domain traffic. This time I’m going to make an exception. We’re really excited to announce that several weeks ago we completed the migration of the last of the ParkLogic clients onto our new Next platform.

Around 3 years ago, based upon all the knowledge we’d gained monetising domain traffic over the previous 8 years we made the decision to completely redevelop the ParkLogic platform from the ground up. At the time we had huge aspirations about the development being a 12 month project but like many things involving technology it took a little bit longer… just over 18 months longer. This was largely the result of an unending stream of awesome ideas!

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4719 Hits

Saturday Musings – A Smile On My Face

I’m typically a positive sort of individual and recently I’ve had even more reason than normal to have a smile on my face. Is it the fact that the next Bladerunner movie is coming out soon? As good as that will be (fingers crossed) it’s not that. So what’s got me so upbeat?

For a start, after working on it for over 2 years, ParkLogic is migrating the last of our clients across to the new Next platform this week. It’s been a heck of a journey where we rebuilt our entire platform from the ground up……and yes, it’s a million times better! It also means that we will shortly be focusing on a single system rather than two (the old one and the new one) which will free up so much time for the team to continue to add value for clients.

I’ve also been working on a platform for developing websites on the fly. It evaluates, tracks and scores everything a user does on the page (leaves Analytics for dead!) and will be the basis for our next generation of ParkLogic products aimed at both the sales and development market segments. So far we have several million pieces of traffic a day moving through the system and it performs brilliantly… all is good and my smile is expanding!

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5001 Hits

Sneak Preview of ParkLogic Next

At the recent Domain Conference in Fort Lauderdale, ParkLogic released a sneak preview of what we are calling “ParkLogic Next”. We will be publishing a series of short videos featuring different aspects of Next over the weeks leading up to Namescon in January. It's something that we're really excite about!

About 18 months ago, we made the big decision to rebuild our entire platform and infrastructure from the ground up. This was one of the best decision that we have ever made. With nearly a decade of accumulated knowledge and experience from extracting the full value from domain traffic we are on the cusp of releasing what we believe is a ground breaking domain platform.

We had a number of goals in designing Next:

  1. Informative – you can now view different aspects of your data at the click of a button. Everything from Excel like filters to adding trend lines are at your fingertips.
  2. Actionable – you can make decisions from the data before you.
  3. Fast – we don’t want clients to have to wait for extended periods of time for their data.

With these three goals in mind we have now released a video outlining some of the features of the Next dashboard. The entire dashboard has been built by accessing our own API which empowers clients to also easily integrate their own variation of the Next platform into their own systems. There is no custom secret code....everything is in the API and accessible to clients.

Putting everything into the API is an important principle. It means that larger customers, registrars and registries can easily integrate Next into their own brandable interface. It also provides a huge amount of flexibility for domain investors who like both an online interface and one that allows them to get under the numbers.

A number of the features of the dashboard include:

  • Adding trend lines at the click of a button
  • Being able to see all of your data via a slider snapshot
  • Instantly move data from a chart to a table for more detailed analysis
  • View the breakdown between mobile and desktop traffic
  • View top referrers, geo-split data and what domains made up a days data
  • Excel like filter functionality to zoom in on the data that interests you.
  • Everything exportable to a CSV file

During the next months we will be continuing to extend the Next dashboard and the underlying functionality that will make it the most advanced domain management interface in the world. We hope that you enjoy the first short video giving a glimpse of ParkLogic Next.


Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. He has also recently published his first science fiction book, Battleframe.

Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face. Due to demands on his time, Michael may be contacted by clicking here for limited consulting assignments.

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Guest — Simon Cousins
Michael, Next should groundbreaking. Can't wait to see the demos at Namescon.
12 October 2015
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