Saturday Musings - How do you make decisions?

In this article, I’m going to make myself a little vulnerable as you read about some of my innermost thoughts. I hope and pray, that you respect this as well as receive some additional insight into what makes Michael Gilmour tick. Ultimately, my goal is to hopefully encourage you to think about your own life and what’s important to you.

Over the years I’ve found people journey through life in one of three ways:

  1. They avoid making decisions as much as possible and let others make the decisions for them. This is like being flotsam on the water and tossed back and forth while blaming everyone else for the mistakes you find yourself in.
  2. They make decisions based upon what is directly in front of them at that point in time. This is like playing a game of chess by looking one move ahead….you’re unlikely to get anywhere.
  3. They have a core sense of purpose which is based upon a set of beliefs that influence everything they do. Sometimes this core set of values is articulated while most of the time it comes of a sense of what is right and wrong.
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