DomainFest Hong Kong Presentations

As promised, please find links below to the presentations that I lead attendees at DomainFest Hong Kong through. I hope that you find them valuable and please feel free to ask any questions.

Domain Monetisation 101
This is an introduction to monetising your domains and then focuses on the various metrics used in generating revenue from domain traffic. This also includes what we can influence on a parked page and setting keywords.

Domain Monetisation MasterClass
This dives into the data and first of all defines the benefits of a normalised RPM. From there the presentation takes through the difference between intelligently switching versus rotating traffic. How to run a traffic test is briefly covered and followed up by managing a portfolio for profit.

Domain Monetisation for Registrars and Registries
The first part of the presentation covers the opportunities that registrars have to monetise their traffic with ParkLogic. This is followed by a registry perspective and the unique symbiotic relationship between registries and registrars.

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26 September 2016
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DomainFest.Asia Wrap Up

I’m on my way home…..yeah! Yes, DomainFest.Asia is finished and I’m writing this from the Qantas Club at Hong Kong airport. I’ve just finished a call to my ParkLogic business partner updating him on what a great event it was. The next call is to my very patient and wonderful wife who puts up with my travels…..

This is my second time to Asia for DomainFest and once again I’ve found that it has been eminently worthwhile. With each repeat visit I can see the Chinese market beginning to blossom into a land of opportunity as the newly formed relationships grow stronger with each meeting.

In fact, I half joked with one western domain investor that I should go and learn Mandarin! English may be the language of business but it’s clear that Mandarin is definitely the language of future opportunity. It was so frustrating going through an interpreter for a number of my discussions that I lamented the fact that I didn’t know even a little bit of the language. Thank goodness that the majority of the attendees also knew at least some English!

I must admit that one of the mildly annoying things about the conference was the fact that the conference was a thirty-minute bus ride from the hotel where many of the attendees were staying. So each morning and afternoon we had to climb aboard a bus for the journey to and from the conference venue at Cyberport…..I only have one thing to say, thank goodness for Uber!

Although there were some three hundred plus registrants, many of them came for a single day and due to the multiple simultaneous sessions the conference appeared smaller than it actually was. This was initially disconcerting but once everyone was gathered in a single room it didn’t detract from the overall business opportunities found in the many hallway, lunch and meeting room discussions.

If I do say so myself, my three sessions on monetisation went really well. The last one on monetisation for registrars and registries was packed out and had standing room only. I love sharing about my passion for domains and our incredible industry I had a great time.....I hope what I had to share was also worthwhile for attendees :-)

So was DomainFest.Asia really worth it? As normal, I find conferences are only worth it if you are prepared to step outside of your comfort zone and talk to other people. I met a lot of new people to the industry, reaffirmed relationships with some old friends and said “hi” to a number of clients. This all contributed to an enormously successfully, smoothly run event. More than that, it meant that it was profitable for sponsors and attendees like myself.

So congratulations should be issued to Jothan Frakes, Edmon Chung and the entire .Asia team for hosting DomainFest.Asia and bringing together domain investors from all over the world to Hong Kong. It’s visionaries like Jothan and Edmon that make being part of the domain industry so exhilarating.

So should you attend next year? I have no idea why any serious domain investors would try to avoid the second biggest market in the world. Despite the recent downturn, the Chinese opportunity remains HUGE. My recommendation is, register early, get cheap discount air tickets well in advance and hang on for the ride of your life!

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3998 Hits

Learning to be a Good Alien

This past week I had the pleasure of heading to DomainFest in Macau. Besides the fact that it was a brilliant conference I learned a lot about being an alien. No, I’m not talking about something that creeps around in the dark on a strange planet. You’ll have to read my book “Battleframe” to find out about those…..I’m talking about being a stranger in an entirely different culture.

While I sat in the Qantas club waiting for my flight to Macau I browsed the Internet to learn at least some of the do’s and don’ts of interacting with Chinese. I didn’t want to do some cultural mistake and upset anyone inadvertently.

The first thing that I found was the Chinese culture is VERY different from western culture and that it would take a lifetime to learn the subtle differences. In the end, I gave up and decided to be as “good” an alien as possible. So what do I mean by this?

Two words summarise the attitude that all of us should try to adopt upon entering the turf of a different culture, they are, “Be Humble”. As a broad generalisation, humility is not a typically western trait. We tend to come in telling everyone why they are wrong and we are right. This, in my opinion is a BIG cultural “no no”.

Humility involves changing both your outward and inward responses to situations. For instance, I may not understand what is transpiring in a Chinese social setting where there are various people from a company at different levels. This can be very off-putting….but I can make the decision to reduce my natural voice volume and hand gestures. In short, I’m trying to reflect the behaviour of those that I’m interacting with.

Remember that humility involves not emphasising your own achievements but acknowledging those of your be mindful of doing a bit of research beforehand.

Humility is also a realisation that you don’t know everything and that people from different cultures may view the world very differently from you. For instance, westerners tend to highly value freedom while those from Asia place a higher importance on security. This one difference in mindset can completely change your interactions.

Freedom tends to be very individualistic while security has a more group mindset. For example, a person from Asia is very concerned about their job security and working for a prominent successful company. Westerners tend to be more loyal to their career path and taking the next steps forward.

From an interaction perspective, when you ask an Asian to “sponsor a project” internally in their organisation then it’s a REALLY big thing. They are essentially being asked to trust that you will deliver results….because if you don’t then their job security may be on the line.

Understanding these little but also substantial differences in culture is sometimes hard and requires all of us to be humble in the recognition of our differences. It’s sometimes tough being an alien in another country but it can also be extremely fulfilling.

I found my time in Macau incredibly exciting and it was great interacting with a completely different group of investors. I think that one of the best sessions I attend was moderated by Simon Cousins. He really opened up the whole language of Chinese culture that was brilliant. I could write a whole series of blogs on what Simon shared.

I would encourage everyone to attend DomainFest in Hong Kong next year as I believe that it will not only be an outstanding event but an opportunity to learn a little about the diversity of cultures in the world.

Have a great weekend!


Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. He has also recently published his first science fiction book, Battleframe.

Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face. Due to demands on his time, Michael may be contacted by clicking here for limited consulting assignments.

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5130 Hits

DomainFest Macau

I'm now sitting at Hong Kong airport waiting for my plane to return me home to Melbourne Australia from DomainFest in Macau. The conference was an outstanding success on so many fronts that in the limited time I have before my flight I'll try to get through a few of them.

For a start, the organisation team from .Asia with ample support from Allegravita should be congratulated on hosting a great event. Of course, we must not forget all of the work that Jothan Frakes did to make it all happen.

It was wonderful meeting a lot of new domain investors from China and abroad that were seeking to learn further about our incredible industry. I'm really sorry that I didn't manage to get around to everyone as there was only so much time in the day.

What I really enjoyed were a number of sessions that I attended outside of all of the meetings. I'm finding that with Simon Cousins able mentoring that I'm finally beginning to understand the nuiances of the Chinese domain space. I absolutely came away with a possible strategy for moving forward and engaging this incredibly diverse and massive market.

Edmon Chung (CEO of .Asia) presented an absolutely brilliant summary of the Chinese market that really opened my eyes up to the opportunities. I hope to get a copy of the presentation and share parts of it here on my blog.

It was also great catching up with old friends and have some good times with them. Many of us had a brilliant time at a Water show that was very reminiscent of Cirque de Soliel (I think that's the spelling!)

Sorry.....gotta go my flights's just called for boarding.


Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. He has also recently published his first science fiction book, Battleframe.

Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face. Due to demands on his time, Michael may be contacted by clicking here for limited consulting assignments.


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5139 Hits

DomainFest Macau - Here I come!

Once again I find myself sitting in the Qantas club at Melbourne airport waiting for my plane to head to DomainFest in Macau. It's been a little while since Namescon earlier this year and I'm really excited to catch-up with many of my domaining friends and make some new ones.

So why do I make all of these long-haul journeys? No surprisingly, I've found the more you attend conferences, the more friends you make and the more business results. What's great is that  I'm now conducting business with friends not just partners or clients. We've known each other for so many years that in many cases I know all of their children as well.

So when I look at DomainFest Macau I'm really hoping to not just "do business" but make new friends. It's taking the long-term view that helps build good solid businesses and long-lasting friendships.

I'm really looking forward to speaking at the conference and have been asked to be share in two sessions. It should be a great time.....and even more so as we work with a Chinese interpretter.

If you aren't going to DomainFest then it's not too late! It would be great to catch-up and swap domaining stories. In the meantime, my flights just been called so I'd better get going.

Safe travels everyone!


Michael Gilmour has been in business for over 32 years and has both a BSC in Electronics and Computer Science and an MBA. He was the former vice-chairman of the Internet Industry Association in Australia and is in demand as a speaker at Internet conferences the world over. He has also recently published his first science fiction book, Battleframe.

Michael is passionate about working with online entrepreneurs to help them navigate their new ventures around the many pitfalls that all businesses face. Due to demands on his time, Michael may be contacted by clicking here for limited consulting assignments.

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4974 Hits