Saturday Musings – Are You Limiting Yourself?

Determining your own limitations is often necessary for your very survival but are you placing limitations upon yourself that you’ve accidentally embraced? As we journey through life there are many well meaning people that say things to us that impose limitations upon our thinking. Isn’t it time to snap the shackles of good intentions?

A silly example of this can be a belief that you can’t sing. You may not be able to sing like Pavarotti but “can’t sing?”, I think not. It’s the rare individual that can’t actually sing but most of the population have bought into limitation that not only can’t they sing but for the sake of those people around them, they shouldn’t sing.

Have you allowed others to limit what you are capable? Such as, you have to work to pay the mortgage, so the bank now sets the limits for your own life. You can’t start that business you’ve always wanted to because of the financial risk. You have a sense that you’re in a mess and you can’t do anything without disaster befalling you.

You could believe that last statement or make decisions that break the bindings of the limitations that you have embraced for your life. Sometimes a simple decision maybe to just sell the house....

A number of years ago Roselyn and I were having a cup of tea and lamenting the fact that our two eldest children were wanting to borrow our second car all the time. Sometimes they wanted the car at the same time and we had to have the wisdom of Solomon to decide who could borrow it.

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I found a long time ago to not listen to the naysayers. I figure I can do anything I set my mind to . I really wanted to learn b... Read More
23 June 2018
Sounds to me like you're living life rather than merely existing Rawgi. As my Grandmother used to only get old when you... Read More
25 June 2018
Thanks Michael, I am trying to stay busy. I may not get to travel, but I am happy with helping and getting my projects done. I ... Read More
25 June 2018
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