Industry Update - 21 Jan 2021

It’s not long to NamesCon Online and despite attending from 12am until 7am my local time I can’t wait for it. I’m getting all geared up for my various presentations and pulling from our masses of data at ParkLogic so attendees can get a great amount of value from the sessions.

Make sure that you check out the following sessions that I am conducting and remember that the MasterClass sessions have a limit of 50 people so get in early… the meantime, enjoy this week’s statistics.

Wed, Jan 27
17:35    Investing in Domains as a Business, Not a Hobby
18:00    MasterClass - Professional Traffic Monetization
Thu, Jan 28
16:20    State of Domain Traffic Monetization
16:45    MasterClass - Increasing revenue and managing risk through traffic quality
Fri, Jan 29
16:15    MasterClass - Running a Structured Traffic Test
17:15    The Future of Domain Monetization
•    all times in UTC

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3400 Hits

Industry Update – 18th Dec 2020

Amazing data revealed!

Data, data everywhere! I can’t believe that the year is nearly over and yet there are still incredible gems revealing themselves in the data. This time I dive into correlations that are completely contradictory compared to what the industry would expect.

For instance, there is absolutely no correlation between the click through rate and revenue for some monetization providers. This was a big surprise as isn’t the industry based upon pay-per-click? What the data ends up revealing is that as the click through rate changes there is NO change to the revenue….doh!

Fossicking around the data reveals many more of these unusual facts so don’t forget to click on the video and spend a few minutes getting your brain turned inside out. Data, data everywhere….

Before I forget, this will be my last post before Christmas so Merry Christmas to everyone and may 2021 be a heck of lot better than 2020. Keep safe and go and hug a loved one.

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3448 Hits

Industry Update - 11th Dec 2020

Post Black Friday and Cyber Monday analysis

In this week’s update we inspect the data post the massive Black Friday and Cyber Monday events. Both these days caused a spike in the numbers and what’s interesting is that this appears to be continuing onwards in the following week.

Both BF and CM created a break-out in the earnings per click metric that reflected the demand by advertisers for good quality domain traffic. In particular, the direct advertising networks that have diversified into non-traditional market verticals like travel and finance have benefited greatly from the event.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions and likes either here on my blog or on my Youtube channel . You can also subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on future updates.

For FREE online lessons in domain monetization go to

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3435 Hits

Industry Update - 4th Dec 2020

Massive upturn from Cyber Monday and Black Friday

As well as releasing the regular charts, this week I decided to mix things up a little by introducing a new slide that outlines the correlations between different metrics for three different monetization companies. This single slide explains so much about why each company performs completely different…..I’m sure you’ll find it intriguing to say the least.

A couple of highlights would have to be the rapid rise of the global advertising networks as they begin to once again compete with Google for domain traffic. If your domain traffic is not exposed to direct advertising networks, then you’re missing out on a chunk of revenue. The other “blip” would have to be the impact of both Black Friday and Cyber Monday….all good outcomes for domain investors.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions and likes either here on my blog or on my Youtube channel . You can also subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on future updates.

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11876 Hits

Industry Update - 27th Nov 2020

Direct advertisers are surging back!

This week’s domain monetization industry is full of incredible stats that allude to the resilience of the direct advertising industry. Yes, they’re back and continuing to pay more for domain traffic while Google is paying less….even while Black Friday is upon us.

Amongst all the data, slides and commentary we mustn’t forget all those people that are suffering due to COVID. It’s a terrible virus that is taking a severe toll on families the world over. I would encourage you to take a few minutes out of your busy day and say a prayer for those that are doing it tough and then say another prayer of thanks if you are doing it well.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions and likes either here on my blog or on my Youtube channel. You can also subscribe to my blog or Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on future updates.

For free online lessons in domain monetization go to


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4079 Hits