Personal Musings – The Power of Love

We live in crazy times.....and love is the answer.

This would have to be one of the most difficult blog/video posts I have produced in over a decade. After seeing everything that has transpired around the world over the last few weeks, I felt compelled to put my thoughts down on the issue of racism, equality and the sanctity of life.

Compelled you may ask? Yes, compelled. I’m a firm believer that there is something amoral when men and women of good conscience remain silent in times like this. For that reason, I have decided to share with you my thoughts via the medium of my blog.

I do apologize that the video is a little longer than normal, but I must admit that I found myself struggling to articulate some of my emotions as I came to grips with the shocking reality that has befallen us.

You see, I have a dream. That dream is that humanity puts aside the bigotry, animosity and hate and embraces the soul defining power that is love. The bonds of love that unshakably ties each of us together in our humanity is far stronger than any other force that may be brought to bear against it.

I hope you have a great weekend.

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I'm pretty rabidly non-political, in that I believe the entire system as we know it (at least here in the US, I can't really speak... Read More
22 June 2020
I agree, we need to stop speaking about colour and view everyone with compassion in our heart as fellow human beings. That being s... Read More
23 June 2020
I really love this content! Love is everything thank you so much, Michael, for this more of Saturday musing and more power to you,... Read More
22 June 2020
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