Nespresso - Customer Disaster Recovery

Nespress did an awesome job.

You may remember that a couple of weeks ago I had a problem with the Nespresso customer service….well, actually a disaster. What’s happened since then you may ask? A lesson by no one less than the CEO of Nespresso Oceania in turning a bad customer experience into an outstanding one.

I’ve always loved Nespresso coffees. They taste great, are quick to make and bring a subtle sense of joy to each day. This video is about how Nespresso turned a poor customer service experience into an amazing one. I then share a few thoughts on why I love my Nespresso coffees…..why not, they did an incredible job.

For those of you that are wondering, no, I did not get paid to do this video, write this blog and send it out to the thousands of readers and followers. I just like sharing about my passion for Nespresso coffees…!

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3863 Hits

Nespresso Customer Disaster

Nespresso - Giant coffee maker misses the mark.

After over 12 years of drinking Nespresso coffee, I decided to upgrade my machine and that’s when my story started going downhill. In this video I outline how Nespresso missed a great customer service opportunity by turning an evangelist into something quite else.

Big corporations need to grasp the concept that in this day and age of social media that no amount of marketing dollars can overcome the voice of the individual. So, I decided to create this video about how the Nespresso customer service fundamentally failed a person that was formally an evangelist for their company.

These are a few of the customer service lessons I would recommend they consider:
1.    Ensure the team knows the products they are supporting.
2.    Understand customer value.
3.    Individuals now have power
4.    Bad experiences have lasting impact.

I would encourage all readers of my blog to share this video with others as it’s a great lesson in what NOT to do in this day-and-age with customers.

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3230 Hits