This is the first industry update for 2021 and the changes that have occurred since the last one in mid-December 2020 have been incredible. The statistics show some big changes in how both Google and the Direct Advertising networks are paying out on domain traffic….and it’s all good for domain investors.
I’m sure that every professional investor will get a lot out of the numbers, statistics and charts as I unpack what is happening in the domain monetization industry. My goal is that with this knowledge you can then buy, sell and earn greater amounts of money from your domain portfolio.
For those of you that are interested in hearing more I will be speaking at NamesCon at the following times:
Wed, Jan 27
17:35 Investing in Domains as a Business, Not a Hobby
18:00 Professional Traffic Monetization
Thu, Jan 28
16:20 State of Domain Traffic Monetization
16:45 Increasing revenue and managing risk through traffic quality
Fri, Jan 29
16:15 Running a Structured Traffic Test
17:15 The Future of Domain Monetization
* all times in UTC