Personal Musings - Learning to Relax...

It may seem a little strange but one of the problems that I constantly wrestle with is learning to relax. I go on a holiday and spend the first week thinking about all the things that I could be doing with the time back in my businesses. This is a crazy state of mind as many of us are working long hours just so we can have a great vacation……and there we go spoiling it.

I’m so used to my life’s accelerator flat to the floor that lifting my foot and coasting for a while just seems a little unnatural. It was with a little bit of apprehension that I succumbed to my wife’s desire to have an extended 5-week break. For some stupid reason she suggested that I really needed it. Go figure???

I have no idea how my wife knows these sorts of things but I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s a genius. She just seems to know things about me that I tend to ignore….and having a break is one of them. I have a suggestion for you.....go and thank your significant other for keeping you together rather than letting you become a workaholic.

We’re now a week into our European vacation. We’ve been through Buckingham Palace in London, Versailles Palace, stayed in the Trianon Palace (got a great deal btw), seen the Bayeux tapestry and the D-day beaches. We’re now back in Paris and about to head off to the Louvre…..and I feel great!

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