Saturday Musings - There and Back Again...

When I first went on vacation I’d somehow convinced myself the world would end. How could it possibly continue without my considerable effort…..not surprisingly I eventually understood that everything worked fine without me. Have you ever had thoughts of grandeur where you wonder whether your enterprises will collapse without you?

During the first weeks of being away I would regularly check my email and I even replied to a number of them. This brought mild (and not so mild) rebukes from the team back home who politely (and not so politely) told me I was on vacation and to butt out.

It was about week four that I discovered depths of relaxation that I’d forgotten existed. This feeling of bliss was amply supported by being on a cruise ship where the biggest decision I had to make each day was what I would have for dinner. It was wonderful...!

Vacations aren’t real, they’re more of an aberration from our regular lives. When you think of it, vacations are like the carrot that for most of the year is just out of reach…..but I have to say, it’s nice to have a munch on the carrot every now and then.

After traveling around Europe and seeing some incredible sites a dose of reality occurred when I returned home and glanced at my PC sitting forlornly in my study. It hadn’t been turned on for 6 weeks and it beckoned like a puppy wanting a good scratch behind the ears.

Pushing the power button brought a cheerful chirp from my faithful friend and a joyous hum announced its awakening hard drives. The three screens in front of me sprung to life and it wasn’t long before I started wading my way through the quagmire of my online reality as I caught up with the latest pictures of cats (which is very important), what my friends were doing and what had happened in the last 6 weeks in the domain industry.

An hour later I pushed my chair back from the desk, closed my eyes and took a deep relaxing breath. I could almost picture the waiter bringing me another drink with an umbrella stuck in it….sigh… I said, bliss. That’s just when my wife let me know the trash had to be taken out….back to reality!

Have a great weekend.

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