Saturday Musings – How Much Are You Worth?

Is it time you invested in yourself?

Have you ever been asked the question, “How much are you worth?” Most people immediately think of it in terms of dollars and answer, “I’m worth blah, blah, blah….” Is this really the best way to view yourself and is money the only measurement of a person?

If someone asked me how much my wife Roselyn is worth to me then I’d immediately respond by saying, “You can’t put a price on her.” When it comes to relationships, monetary valuations completely fall apart as we more often than not place “irrationally” high values on them…..but there are some exceptions.

Several years ago, I was asked to settle a dispute between a couple of friends who had jointly rented out a house together. It was at lunchtime and I sat down to eat my meal while they were both yelling at each other across a big boardroom table.

For about fifteen minutes I didn’t say a thing while I finished my lunch and just let them go at it. Each one was accusing the other of not paying a $600 bill. I finally pushed my chair back and said, “I’ve never been in a situation where I could put a precise value on a friendship. You both disgust me.” I then walked out of the room.

To this day I have no idea what happened with the situation but there was one thing for sure, both the friends had a lot more problems than $600. The question I’m left with is why do the majority of us find that our relationship with loved ones are incalculable?

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I would have to say I am a work in progress, because even after college, I will never stop being educated. I was guilty of doing s... Read More
15 July 2019
Rawgi, once again, many thanks for your considered thoughts and willingness to share openly.
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