Saturday Musings – Carpe Diem?

When should we seize the day?

The Latin phrase “Carpe diem” was made famous by the movie “The Dead Poets Society” where the late Robin Williams stars as a teacher that inspires students to “Seize the Day!” That sounds great but which opportunities should we seize, and which should we leave?

Don’t get me wrong, I loved the movie, but I’ve found that too many people have a FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) attitude where if they don’t “Seize the day” then they’ll never receive another opportunity ever again. This attitude is completely wrong and promotes bad decision making.

In this video I discuss a number of the methods that I use to assess opportunities. Some may be worthy of seizing while others can just be let go….and without any sort of fear. I hope you enjoy the video and I would encourage you to leave a comment, send me a message or just like it.

Have a great weekend.

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