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Part 5 - Traffic Test - The Results Three Months Later

20191021_revenue The revenue trend continues to rise.

This is the fifth in the series on running a traffic test. I thought that I would return to the traffic test series and update readers on the results since the last article in July. The question that I wanted to know was whether the positive numbers previously reported were sustainable or whether they crashed back to reality.

The first four articles in the series can be viewed at:
Part 1 – Baseline Data

Part 2 – Focusing on Performance
Part 3 – Improving the Revenue
Part 4 – Show Me the Money!

I would remind you that the data is being pulled from the ParkLogic client interface and this wasn’t a “special” customer that just so happened to be doing well. In fact, I didn’t know what the results would be prior to writing the first article.

The great news is that both the revenue and RPM trends have continued to increase. The revenue has increased above the baseline from 46% back in July to 55% as of now. I would have thought the trend would have levelled off by now but it’s continuing to increase.

Revenue chart

As can be seen in the below chart these results are also reflected in the RPM trends.

RPM Trend

If we remove the five bottom performing domains from the traffic test, then the revenue increase versus the baseline is 88.57%. I should say that as good as ParkLogic is there are always some domains that fall away and then comeback. This could be due to a large range of issues including; seasonality, advertisers no longer advertising etc.

Now for the bad news….the new client has accidentally dropped domains that made up 28% of the baseline revenue. Luckily, 20% of the domains are still available to be registered.

We see this type of behaviour all the time and it’s very few domain investors that keep on top of renewals and DNS settings. In fact, as a rule-of-thumb we now expect the average domain investor to get a bump of around 15% to their revenue just by more effectively managing their portfolio.

Other than revealing the client’s private details I’ve been completely transparent on the results for this series of articles. If you’ve been experiencing a decline in your revenue over the last few years, then you’ve got to be scratching your head and wondering what’s going on after reading these articles.

If you’re doing more than $250 per month in revenue, then in the face of the evidence that I’ve presented you may want to run a traffic test with us or at the very least give me a call. Running a traffic test isn’t difficult but it needs to be done properly over a six-week period to see a trend established.

I should also say right up front that I will request baseline data from the previous month so that we can measure how the test is progressing. We will then use the latest test data and the baseline to generate a report that we can review together.

It’s now up to you whether you want to reach out. My personal skype is (whizzbang01) or you can leave a message here.


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Guest - Headquarters on 22 October 2019

Just a thought, maybe give some names that are applicable a 1 page lead gen tool for greater revenues.

Just a thought, maybe give some names that are applicable a 1 page lead gen tool for greater revenues.
mgilmour on 22 October 2019

Thank you for your comment. Just to let you know, we have a mixture of direct advertisers, affiliate, PPC and CPM based advertising in the mix.

Thank you for your comment. Just to let you know, we have a mixture of direct advertisers, affiliate, PPC and CPM based advertising in the mix.
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