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Was NamesCon 2020 Any Good?

20200205_namescon NamesCon was more than worth it!

As many readers are aware, I’ve been traveling around the world these past couple of weeks. There’s nothing quite like being away for fourteen days and having only eleven nights accommodation to cause you to question your own sanity about the endeavor. Despite my lack of hotels I managed to jet into Austin and take in the conference that launches the industry each year…..NamesCon!

After checking into the conference hotel, I felt like I was welcoming a long-lost friend as I collapsed on the glorious, soft, wonderful bed. There’s one thing you discover when traveling fifty thousand kilometers in a flying tin can, the seats are hard and not that conducive for sleeping. The quilt felt like bliss incarnate as it wrapped around my exhausted body…..but then I remembered that I had a ParkLogic function that night.

It was with some reluctance that I clambered off the bed, got cleaned up and headed to the San Jac saloon for our small get together. It was a great time to meet a group of existing and potentially new clients as both Matt Herbert (also from ParkLogic) and I struggled with our jetlag. At the end of the night I resumed my horizontal position, closed my eyes and entered a deep sleep…..until 4am at least.

I should say upfront that the NamesCon organization was outstanding. Everything seemed to go like clockwork as the team went about doing what they needed to do to make all the attendees feel relaxed and, in the mood for business.

I had the honour of being the first keynote speaker after the welcome address and the team bent over backwards to assist me with anything I required. This attitude made it so much easier to present as I knew that everything behind the scenes was working like clockwork.

I shared with the audience on the topic of “Domaining – the Past, Present and Future” I must admit that I put a lot of work into gathering a lot of data on the industry and this helped underpin some of the points made during the presentation.

I would like to thank Ron Jackson from dnJournal for being so willing to assist in providing information on domain sales….thanks for that Ron! I plan on releasing the presentation, combined with a video over the coming week here on my blog.

One of the things I love about NamesCon is that it’s a cauldron of entrepreneurship that is constantly boiling over with fresh innovative ideas. I had one conversation after another where I went away thinking, “That was so worth it!”

More than just having the status quo challenged, NamesCon is all about doing great business deals. Upon returning to Australia, I couldn’t believe how many fantastic deals had been agreed to and all that's required now is the implementation.

I often describe the deals as the beating heart of NamesCon. Without the deal flow then it would be hard to justify traveling to the other side of the world but in the case of NamesCon Austin there were deals aplenty. I think that some domain investors make the mistake of viewing conference fees as an expense rather than an investment into them and their business.

Some people have wondered how ParkLogic has thrived over the years while other companies have fallen by the wayside. I hate to say it but it’s largely due to putting in the air miles and doing regular long-haul flights from Australia that has paid dividends. Despite communicating via voip, email or messenger being awesome, there is nothing quite like being face-to-face.

If you didn’t attend this year then don’t wait until next year to invest in your business by attending NamesCon 2021. The new NamesCon Europe has just been announced and will be hosted in Budapest! If you’re from the USA, then it’s only a short flight across the Atlantic to reach a new, exciting and vibrant market….so don’t be a stranger and commit to grow your business.

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Guest - Ravi on 06 February 2020

Hi Michael,

Good to know that your long trip is a productive and safe one.

will be waiting for the presentation...


Hi Michael, Good to know that your long trip is a productive and safe one. will be waiting for the presentation... Thanks, Ravi
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