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Saturday Musings – Finding your passion

Saturday Musings – Finding your passion

There’s nothing quite like speaking with a person that is passionate about a topic. I find that it really doesn’t matter whether it’s science, business or even knitting….the joy for the listener is more about hearing the passion in the teller’s voice.

I remember a number of years ago I was listening to the radio and heard a plumber expound his passion for his profession. He explained to the listeners that without plumbing civilization wouldn’t exist and the fact that we can turn on a tap or flush a toilet is a miracle.

I’d never thought about plumbing in this way before, in fact, I’d never really thought much about plumbing at all. The speaker was riveting in his passion and it was clear that he’d won the interviewer over to his view of plumbing as well.

The question I would ask you in this video is, “What are you passionate about?” In this time of COVID induced isolation we all have been given some precious time back to really think about this issue. Do you want to get to the latter years of your life with regret or have the confidence that you went after your passion with a sense of urgency and zeal?

I hope you enjoy this video as I share a few thoughts on passion. Also, don’t forget to subscribe, comment or like the video as your feedback helps me to be inspired forward in my own blogging passion.

Have a great weekend.

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Saturday, 27 July 2024
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