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Saturday Musings - Overcoming Fear

20200502_fear The world is in the grip of can you overcome it?

The grip of fear for an individual can be completely debilitating, it’s often less about being rational and more about fight or flight. When fear takes hold of a nation then seems to become almost alive.

As we’ve seen in the recent COVID 19 pandemic, fear has caused people to buy-up toilet paper, rush to clean out supermarket shelves, have fist fights over trivial issues and even protest about social isolation.

One of my favorite science fiction books, Dune by Frank Herbert, will later this year be released as a movie. Within its pages the author espoused the following about fear.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

The question I would ask you this weekend is whether your own thinking is being subsumed by an underlying level of fear. Some of the fears may be completely rational, like, will I lose my job this week, well others turn a mole hill into a mountain. Maybe it’s time to let fear pass through you and remain standing alone without it?

When you look at the world there is a consistent theme of stress, heightened anxiety, depression and sadly suicide….many of these emotions have their roots in fear. Maybe it’s time to put aside fear and develop an attitude of gratitude for what we do have rather than for what may happen?

I hope you enjoy this video as I share my thoughts on fear. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the video or click on the alerts so you don’t miss out on future blogs.

Have a great weekend.

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Wolftalker on 03 May 2020

Most people who get their 'information' from Murdoch news outlets see this as:


On the other hand, those who understand science see it as:


Learn. Adapt. Be vigilant.

Most people who get their 'information' from Murdoch news outlets see this as: Forget Everything And Run On the other hand, those who understand science see it as: Far Exceeds Actual Reality Learn. Adapt. Be vigilant.
mgilmour on 04 May 2020

Love the ancronyms!

Love the ancronyms!
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